EviL FazZ

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  • in reply to: vorpX 0.7.5 available now! #80563
    EviL FazZ

    Hey Ralf,

    Thank you for your speedy response and very helpful support, really appreciated {}^,…,^}

    I’m a hoarder of useful files and data (especially when it’s not easily available on-line), it’s even backed up multiple times in my daily, weekly, monthly and annual schedule …so it’s all KooL and found my original VorpX installer ()^,…,^)


    Regarding the possibility of VorpX being blocked, I use ESET for my internet and file protection, which never gives me software issues, as it’s very specific and easy to use, clearly showing activity past and present, but what has been manually blocked too, so it’s possibly something wrong with the ‘older’ version of VorpX …maybe?!

    Lastly, as will moving my developments to the HTC/Valve Vive in the coming months, it was nice to read you will be hopefully support is where and of course if you can. I won’t ruin this post by asking a slightly off topic question, but will post my question shortly, after I search more on it first of course []^,…,^]

    Thanks again Ralf and happy gaming one and all \[]^,…,^]/

    in reply to: vorpX 0.7.5 available now! #80561
    EviL FazZ

    Hey again,

    Long time now type …and of course, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need help, which I do again, as I haven’t been using VorpX much as I never really got it to work well.

    However, I had no idea it was updated months ago (didn’t get any updates) but as I said last year when I originally purchased VorpX, there’s no way to manually update and it doesn’t auto update either …so …how exactly do I update VorpX …it still says Version: beta ()¬,..,¬)

    VropX - Version: beta

    Fun regards []^,..,^]

    in reply to: Skyrims shadows for dk2 version? #16006
    EviL FazZ

    YEAH! Big (frozen) smile from me …with drool \[]^__^]/

    in reply to: Skyrims shadows for dk2 version? #16007
    EviL FazZ

    YEAH! Big (frozen) smile from me …with drool \[]^__^]/

    in reply to: First Aid: Using vorpX 0.64 with the DK2 #16005
    EviL FazZ

    I thought I might get the head tracking to work with a few of my 400+ games that don’t support Oculus in any form, but so far they look almost (a lot of side tearing) as they should (Stereo vision for Oculus), but of course doesn’t move as it should …yet.

    I’ve had a lot of experience with adapting non-Stereo 3D gaming to actually work well in Stereo 3D using just a decent large Passive 3D TV and projector, so I understand the issues and just pushing it harder than I probably should right now.

    The newer SDK seems simply enough to adapt to, but of course, it’s very different too, in a good way, I just wish DK2’s screens were higher in resolution, but I guess that’s next along with an even higher refresh rate (probably). I also think Oculus would do better with using LG’s flexible displays, allowing for a slightly con-caved display, giving better surrounding coverage. Costs of course and a whole new subject/topic.

    Anywho, I double checked and yep, setting the Orientation to anything but Landscape won’t work. I hope this continues in my favour, as it’s easier for me to duplicate what the Oculus is seeing on other connected screens too. We shall see []?__?] …LoL

    in reply to: First Aid: Using vorpX 0.64 with the DK2 #15996
    EviL FazZ

    Thanks again Ralf, I followed the steps and it’s working …sort of …changing the Orientation to Portrait or Portrait (flipped) does not work for me, as it actually plays in ‘that’ Orientation and not Landscape within the Oculus Rift DK2.

    If I don’t change the Orientation, it ‘looks’ as it should, just with limited vision. About 60% of the centre is fine, but the anything beyond that is a little too distorted (anaglyph stereo colour separation). However, this maybe easy to fix, once the newer SDK 0.4.0 is supported, as I have a feeling it’s to do with the SDK’s eye calibration parameters.

    Head Tracking doesn’t work at present, but again this is probably something you’re all working on right now, such as getting VorpX to work with the newer SDK 0.4.0 …right []?__?]

    in reply to: What version of 'VorpX' am I currently running? #15995
    EviL FazZ

    I’ll treat posting here as like posting to a 1990’s website, much like the pointless Facebook and/or Twitter junk, where it has no real options or features (as such), unlike the far better Google+ \[]^__^]/

    Anywho, it’s fine (sort of) …I just have a stupid habit of noticing errors after I’ve posted/replied with a combination of frantic typing and Typo-OCD \{}%__%}/

    in reply to: What version of 'VorpX' am I currently running? #15994
    EviL FazZ

    Excellent Ralf & co \[]^__^]/

    in reply to: What version of 'VorpX' am I currently running? #15992
    EviL FazZ

    I gather it’s not possible to ‘edit posts’ on this forum? []?__?]

    in reply to: What version of 'VorpX' am I currently running? #15991
    EviL FazZ

    Thanks again Ralf, I finally got VorpX to work with my Oculus Rift DK2 and can confirm it’s v0.6.4 []^__^]

    May I suggest you put a version/build number within VorpX itself (like Steam does too) and a ‘startup splash’ suggesting it was updated with a brief log summary if possible too {}^__^}

    I few other issues, but will tinker and tweak a little first before annoying you again ()^__^)

    in reply to: What version of 'VorpX' am I currently running? #15986
    EviL FazZ

    Thanks Ralf, but for now that means I still have to ‘guess’ what version I’m using, as I can not actually use the software at all within any game currently, as I’m using the Oculus Rift DK2, which isn’t supported it seems?

    As I said already, VorpX still refers to Oculus Config Utility (Build v1.1/SDK 0.2.4) and not the current one (Build v1.4rev/SDK 0.4.0). It’s possible that I’m meant to ignore this part and VorpX will use the newer SDK version, but no idea again?

    Thanks anyway, I guess I’ll try again in a couple of weeks when it’s possibly hopefully officially supporting the Oculus Rift DK2 []?__?]

    in reply to: First Aid: Using vorpX 0.64 with the DK2 #15974
    EviL FazZ

    So …how does one get and try VorpX 0.64 …because currently my installation of VorpX doesn’t do anything with my DK2 and there’s no way to even know what version of VorpX I’m currently running []?__?]

    in reply to: Head tracking init failed #15971
    EviL FazZ

    Same heregot nothing to work so far {}¬__¬}

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