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    Can you possibly re-iterate how to assign a profile? I renamed Unreal Tournament to the borderlands presequel .exe but although it started I am still not getting the option to turn on 3D. I’m not so worried about head tracking would just like the option for 3D if possible.

    Let me guess your using the steam version. Mr. DoucheBag iankemp didn’t tell anyone up front that all these games he’s talking about are the dvd versions and do not run through steam.

    in reply to: Everything very blurry, Oculus DK1 #97224

    So, I just purchased Vorpx and I haven’t gotten it to work on any game yet. The DK1 works perfectly on all of the demos and Desktop Viewers I’ve tried but when I open anything with Vorpx it is extremely Blurry. So far I’ve only tried Skyrim and GTA V. It’s not just the game that is blurry, It’s the entire screen. The Vorpx menu (from pressing [delete]) is also very blurry and the virtual cinema environment is blurry too. Its almost like I’m seeing double and the images aren’t converging.

    I’ve tried to change the IPD setting but it didn’t change anything. I’ve tried multiple versions of Oculus Runtime and nothing. Right now I’m updating my nvida drivers to see if that helps.

    If anybody has some ideas I would greatly appreciate it.

    Yes, Idiot your using the first POS oculus and of course the resolution is going to be blurry. It’s only like 640×480. My old nintendo looks better than that POS.


    Okay, I enjoyed G3D games with VorpX alot, so I look at Unreal 3 Engine FPS, which are not supported yet and try them with renamed game exe. Here are my results and begging to Ralf to make them supported because of problems with steam and FOV, when renaming.
    My FOV recommendations with them: The official recommendation is 120 FOV at 1920×1080 Pixel 1:1 Distance Zoom 1.00
    With that settings you have mostly a good perspective, but massive overhead to the sides and blurry image, because you can see only a third of the picture. So I try to “calibrate” it with 90 FOV and 1600×1200 / 4:3 resolution.
    90 FOV: Distance Zoom 0.56
    95 FOV: Distance Zoom 0.60
    This looks the same than 120 FOV at 1.00 Zoom, but without overhead and a much clearer graphic (more ppi).
    Renaming: There are a couple of UE3 Profiles with different features. I tested with BorderlandsPreSequel.exe and ADVGame-Win32-Shipping.exe (Deadfall)
    Both offer positional headtracking.

    Now the games:

    Bulletstorm (ShippingPC-StormGame.exe)

    Ingame graphic settings I set shadows and Post Processing to low.
    Resolution to 1920×1080 (4:3 gives black bars)
    To set FOV use this Tool, because of crypted inis:
    to edit the ini’s:
    1. Go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Bulletstorm\StormGame\Config\ StormCamera.ini
    2. Change to the desired FOV.

    1. Edit %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Bulletstorm\StormGame\Config\StormEngine.ini
    2. Change MaxSmoothedFrameRate to a higher cap; alternately, remove the frame rate cap entirely by setting bSmoothFrameRate to false.

    Mouse Smoothing (for proper Headtracking)
    1. Edit %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Bulletstorm\StormGame\Config\StormInput.ini
    2. Find bEnableMouseSmoothing and to ‘false’ to disable mouse smoothing.

    You also need to calibrate Headtracking manually per VorpX Menu: Fokus something in “real life” and slowly shake your head left and right and notice how it stays in your view. Then do the same ingame and edit the HeadTracking value.

    My G3D rating: 8/10

    very little lightning issues, some auto head movement when walking and fast gameplay makes it a little nauseous. Iron Sight you need to aim between the dots, its playable. Great 3D-Effekt.

    Nearly the same settings with Bulletstorm ini editor with:
    Alien Rage Unlimited (ShippingPC-AFEARGame.exe)

    This game has some strange light sources in G3D, so I only recommend Z3D.

    Homefront (HOMEFRONT.exe)

    The FOV settings ingame only works for Multiplayer, not the Campaign (only in first mission). There is a Homefront FOV Changer: http://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/download/487-homefront-fov-changer/
    But that only works with the HOMEFRONT.exe, so we need a profile for that.

    G3D, positional-tracking works (turn of DX11 ingame, restart), but many issues especially with shadows. So turn down shadows ingame, Post Processing and turn off frame limit and mouse smoothing in the game menus. Weapon sights are good playable with red dot weapons. Easier for the eye with Z3D.

    My G3D rating 6/10. Too many graphical problems with g3d, but playable. +1 with the FOV changer.

    Medal of Honor (2010) (moh.exe)

    The Campaign is UE3 Engine, so works great (Multiplayer is Frostbite). Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor\Config\MOHAEngine.ini
    The G3D looks amazing with very little lightning issues, but overall nearly perfect, but…
    The FOV is 55. Again there is a FOV-Changer for the original.exe:
    So… VorpX specific profile needed.
    G3D rating: 9.5/10 possible if getting FOV to a playable view

    Santum 2 (SanctumGame-Win32-Shipping.exe)

    Wow, that was a surprise. It’s a steam only game, so you can’t rename it so easily, but after I get it to work with the Deadfall profile (ADVGame-Win32-Shipping.exe), the game works flawlessly in G3D, with all graphic options maxed out, even shadows and lightning stuff and keeps a clean graphical image. Even FOV adjustable in the menus. Easy setup, looks great, very nice to play in VR.
    \Documents\My Games\Sanctum2\SanctumGame\Config

    G3D-rating 10/10

    Singularity (Singularity.exe)

    Looks amazing in G3D, but yeah, bad FOV…
    Needs Flawless Widescreen or Widescreen Fixer Tool to fix FOV. So not with renamed exe.
    G3D-rating 10/10 (with better FOV)

    Section 8 Prejudice (S9-Win32-F.exe)

    Untested, because it has a launcher and can’t rename the game.exe
    FOV settings per ini:
    bSmoothFrameRate & bEnableMouseSmoothing like usual.

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (R6Vegas2_Game.exe)

    Very narrow FOV and not changeable, enjoyable in a cinema view setting. Now the UE3 Engine begins to look old and outdated 😉
    Maybe it helps to fiddle around with Widescreen Fixer:
    Very good G3D Effekt.

    @Ralf: All the above called exe just need a copy/paste UE3-profile.

    How the heck do you get medal of honor to work it just fails to start in steam when i rename it. I’m getting so sick and tired of this bs

    in reply to: buy on steam if u got vorpx #95985

    the reason is because they have a nice refund policy if u have not played a game over two hours they also have huge sales and demos like the walmart of video games cheapest around u will need to return many because u will find out vorpx does not work flawless or at all very well with many the vorpx cinema option is nice better than virtual desktop but in vr many games just look weird and uncomfortable except fallout new vegas that is really not bad but not as good as oculus rift supported either i love people because Jesus loves me

    Jesus prophesied over 2000 years ago that vorpx would arrive, and his prophecy has been fulfilled. I love vorpx because Jesus loves me. Praise jehovah almighty!!!

    in reply to: Payday 2 #91715

    I’m trying to figure out what is wrong with payday 2, when you switch on G3D you can only take it up to 0.05 in separation anything after that causes the colors to just become a garbled mess, mostly blue and red colors. Ralf is there anway to get the full version to work correctly? Demo works flawless. Maybe somewhere in the demo you could get the settings and copy them over into full version, i just don’t know where to look.

    in reply to: Custom 8:9 resolutions, what a load of ******* #91685

    Using a 8:9 custom resolution is superior to DSR in multilple ways:

    1. It does not involve additional downsampling
    2. It can solve FOV issues in many games
    3. It keeps the rendering overhead as low as possible, effectivly enhancing performance.

    Well, let’s let the public decide for themselves. Try my way and see what you think.

    in reply to: Rainbow six seige #91644

    Hello, It’s been almost 24 hours since i posted and no response from Ralf or anyone else on a simple question. Can someone please tell me if Rainbow Six Siege works with vorpx.

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