Cyberpunk 2077

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    @ chtiblue : for Windows Mixed Reality headsets you have to make sure that both the game and the headset render thread run at 45fps (half your headset refresh rate). WMR headsets do not work below that. You can check both framerates with vorpX’s built-in FPS counter (ALT+F).


    I continue with the crash even having 1.1 and tested with everything that is mentioned in the thread. rx 6800 xt + Ryzen 7 3700x.

    On the other hand … would someone know a remedy to prevent the fov from changing in dialogues and when driving? It’s super annoying.


    There is another problem and that is that when entering inventory and hovering over a weapon, it doesn’t show the info popup when you have multiple lines of text added by mods. It’s as if taking up more space on the screen, the popup just doesn’t appear. This “size limit” is more pronounced the lower the horizontal resolution.


    Thanks Ralf, I’ll check that


    How do you ensure they are both running at 45fps? Do we need to force motion smoothing to lock steam vr to 45fps?


    Well … my conclusion is this: The game crashes when using the XBOX controller. If I play with keyboard and mouse, I can play without crash. This only happens if I play with vorpx. Playing without vorpx and with an XBOX controller, the game works fine. This indicates that either there is a problem with my controller (original xbox 360 wireless with Chinese wireless receiver) or it is with all the controllers in general. This I do not know because I have no others to try.


    definitely and after trying another XBOX 360 controller from a friend (this one with usb cable) I confirm that the game only crashes when used with vorpx and a controller. With keyboard and mouse no problem. I think the game goes crazy when blinking so long between keyboard / mouse input and xbox controller



    my hardware is:
    Intel Core i7 9700K 3,6 GHz 12MB
    RAM SDRAM DDR4-2666 HyperX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB)
    SSD 1 TB PCIe NVMe M.2
    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Super (GDDR6 8 GB )
    Oculus Quest 2

    I use the default Vorpx Cyberpunk 2077 profile.

    I´m trying to play this game in VR but i can only get a “decent” play on 1280×1024. Everything superior produces a lot of blink on the screen and awful fps
    Either way on 1280×1024 is still very bad and i can´t read anything.

    I need a better harware to play cyberpunk in VR?


    When I run this with the local Cyberpunk vorpx settings, with fov 115 as default, whenever I turn my head the screen tilts – does everyone get this or is it just my settings?

    I’m using HP Reverb G2 on with screen resolution 2400 x 2160. I’ve kept head tracking sensitivity to 1.00.


    Sounds as if game and headset FOV don’t match. Please reset the game’s profile to default in the config app and make sure not to disable automatic settings. With everything at default and auto settings enabled vorpX ensures that game and headset FOV match.



    i played 60 hours in Night City and the last 25 hours of the game in high resolutions and high settings without any chrashes, with the head tracking sensity setting at 0.00. But if i change the head tracking sensity to 1.00 and make no other changes in the settings, then the game chrashes after 10 – 20 Minutes every time, exact previously i set the head tracking sensity to 0.00 in high settings.

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