Cyberpunk VR Update Thread

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  • #213818

    thanks to god, i can play in z-normal to cyb2077 with my poor rtx 2060


    when i use vorpx vr mod, i can’t enable cyberenginetweaks…it not shown at all on screen, to set values and change performance…i must unistall vorpx vr mod , to use cybengientweaks in game?


    yes, i must uninstall vorpx vr mod, to use cet ingame


    You can temporarily disable the mod by moving [CP2077]\bin\x64\plugins\vpxCP2077.asi to your desktop (and back to re-enable it).


    wonderful mod, the cyb2077 vorpx mod…thank you ralf…


    Looks very good, but there is some strange “tearing” when i move my head. As if the frames are “shaking”. Could be normal for a non-VR game but it’s definetly annoying and making me sick. Is it same on the regular VorpX version?
    Greetings from Bremen, Schwachhausen.


    Edit: Read about AFR 3D and Z3D. Now Z3D ist much better for me. I can’t stand AFR 3D in any way! Makes me sick.


    AFR 3D is definitely not for everyone. The brain to a certain extent can get accustomed to receiving left/right images that don’t match in time, and the mod can trick away some of issues the method has. But when the left and right images become too different, e.g. with fast motion, AFR 3D will always be weird/uncomfortable.

    Z3D doesn’t look as natural at close distance, but on the other hand doesn’t come with any timing related weirdness, so it’s always an alternative worth to consider.


    I get a strange effect on mine, perhaps you guys can identify it. I get a different picture in one eye than the other. Once in awhile they converge and it looks like full g3d but 99% of the time one of the eyes has a still picture of the game, while the other has full motion. Is this called De-sync? Seems like it would be pretty rad if it worked correctly. I’m not fussy or anything though, if it doesn’t work for me, I have no issues refunding the game on STEAM.

    I also own regular vorpx and will try that later today. The only options I’m given in the modded menu are ‘Direct VR’, Z-Adaptive and Z-Normal. Not a fan of either of those other two except in Nexus: The Jupiter Incident [which I highly recommend]. I’m not picky on the ‘VR’ end either, as long as it’s in 3-D, thats good enough for me.

    I’m working with HTC Vive Cosmos
    2080 Ti

    No mods other than the one you provided


    Is it possible to save the user’s vorpx menu settings (for CP2077 standalone mod)?


    If you close the menu with a gamepad or motion controllers they are supposed to be saved automatically on close. Please let me know if that doesn’t work.

    With keyboard/mouse you have to use the OK&SAVE button instead of just closing the menu. Slightly inconsistent, but makes it easier to experiment with settings before submitting them for good.


    I mean is it possible to save the settings as a separate backup file? This way if I need to reinstall the game then I can reload my settings from before

    eg would copying the .vpa and .ini files in: [Cyberpunk 2077]\bin\x64\plugins\vpxCP2077\Data\
    be one way to make a backup of the settings?

    BTW I am loving the gestures, they are really the next best thing to 6DOF interactions


    Settings are stored in the .ini files, DO NOT!!! (and I mean that, including the three exclamation marks :)) mix different versions of the mod’s data file. It doesn’t contain any settings, but vital data, which may change between versions.


    That’s good to know, thanks. And raises an interesting point. So when you release the next version of the standalone mod, will there be a way to keep the user’s existing personal settings?


    I’m having a problem with Cyberpunk and the mod/VorpX. I have 2 hmd’s, 8KX and Quest 2. If i try to run the game and the mod in my 8KX i get as far as steamvr starting and the game starting in 2D, but nothing else appears in my 8KX. It’s the same with VorpX client, but it states VorpX is attaching but nothing else happens.

    Similar happens with my Quest 2. With the mod and VorpX I get a splash screen saying the game is starting in my hmd but the actual game only starts in 2D.

    I am careful to choose the right runtime in VorpX config/mod settings. I make sure I alter with regedit my VR runtime config for Oculus or SteamVR. All other games work ok.

    I’m currently re-installing the game and will try again. Any ideas appreciated.

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