Cyberpunk VR Update Thread

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  • #220319

    An updated installer including the latest Cyber Engine Tweaks modding framework for Cyberpunk 2.13 compatibility is now online. Download link as usual in the first post of this thread.


    can you now change the image zoom to greater then 0.85 with manual override?


    hello, would it be possible to get access to earlier verisons of the setup? im runing cyberpunk in 2.1 and its not working


    whenever I’m using standalone or general version of VorpX, I have the same problem. Game opens fine, I have everything working in VR. But as soon as I click on the game to make game focused game will crash in an instant or in a minute. If I happen to run game in the background then I’m able to enter into game and actually play (with gamepad) but there is a problem with aiming for example.
    Game crashes on main menu as well as loading screen or in game, as soon as I bring focus to Cyberpunk 2077 window.
    Antivirus was turned off, all the overlays and other programs that may interupt as well. VorpX is working for me on older game like Bioshock DX9.

    What should I do?


    FYI, running with PSVR2 in SteamVR mode


    I am running Cyberpunk 2077 v2.13 and it is crashing as soon as the game launches.

    I am getting a popup saying that the mod was built for 2.12 and doesn’t support 2.13.

    Will there be an update to resolve this?


    The current version of the mod works fine with 2.13 normally. Occasionally game updates break the mod, hence the warning. Currently however the warning really just is a warning and everything works as expected under normal circumstances.

    The most likely cause for your problem is some other mod getting in the way or some background program you may have running that also hooks into games, e.g. a GPU/CPU tool, a messenger, a game recording app or whetever else may display overlays in games and thus may cause a conflict.


    Hi! Do we have to put a custom resolution to avoid the black bar wich appears below on Quest 3?
    Bebida that, its a great mod! Love the aim down the sight. Had to download the free mod version since the profile thar came with the software did nothing for the game.


    Have tried and tried to get this running on my Pico 4, but the closest I’ve got is starting a new game, running through the character configurator. As soon as the game starts the image disappears from the headset, just showing a line in the middle. The image is running on my PC though with extremely low FPS. I’m running tethered via USB. WiFi is just not possible
    The game is freshly installed and there are no mods installed except for the free VorpX VR mod. I’m contemplating selling my headset since I got it for one reason and that was playing CP in VR 😥


    Does it work fine with other games and vorpx or is the problem CP specific?
    I have the Pico 4 and can run CP with it, allthough sometimes the Epic games version has given me problems with the overlay.

    I use wireless mode 99% of the times and virtual desktop.


    Forgot to mention that this is probably the mirror issue with CP2077 since it comes right after the character creator (and also later in game)?



    A new update is available. Download link as always in the first post of this thread.

    • Cyber Engine Tweaks modding framework updated for CP2077 2.2.
    • HUD shaders fixed for CP2077 2.2.
    • vorpX backend updated to latest version. Among general stability and performance improvenments this also finally fixes the ocassionally unavailable motion controller gestures after launching the game.

    Thanks Ralf !
    Much appreciated !


    Thanks Ralf! In this updated version, is it possible to ride the metro in VR now?


    Hey, sorry, but in Full VR Mode, I need to tilt the view down. Is there a way to do this?

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