Cyberpunk VR Update Thread

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    Right, worked for me using 23.1.5. Not with the free Cyberpunk mod version.


    Right, worked for me using 23.1.5. Not with the free Cyberpunk mod version.

    Hi robernd, Im currently using the standalone free mod for Cyberpunk 2077 although I do own VorpX too. When you use 23.1.5, does the Metro work in full VR too (the view glitches to one eye for me)? Thx


    Hi guys, I was hoping you could help me with the following:

    I recently got a Quest 3 and downloaded CyberPunk 2077 on Steam. I have tried everything possible to play the game but it keeps on displaying in theatre mode (no head tracking) could you kindly tell me how to get this running properly or tell me how you get your games to run in VR? (I am using the Vorpx Cyberpunk vr mod)

    Thank you in advance


    The mod uses the CyberEngineTweaks modding framework, which usually has to be updated after a Cyberpunk update.

    For detailed information check the instructions panel in the launch room. Reading that is time well spent for other reasons as well.


    Hi Ralf, thank you for your response.

    Just one quick question, can you kindly elaborate on what you mean by ‘instructions panel in the launch room’

    Where can I find this? (apologies I am new to this)

    Thank you in advance


    After launching the mod you should see a roughly 2m large panel with instructions when you turn your head slightly to the right. Virtually impossible to overlook.

    For extra convenience the same instructions are also displayed in the top left corner of the game window on your monitor.


    A build with the latest CET for CP2077 2.11 included is now available, so noone has to go through the insufferable ordeal of reading two sentences of instructions displayed directly in front of them anymore. ;)


    Just purchased the full version after trying to get the free one to work. game starts and then I get a VorpX error saying Steam games do not currently work in oculus mode. it tells me to change the headset type to steam vr in Vorpx config and the game crashes. when I change it to stream vr in Vorpx config, it then says it cant find a compatable headset… any ideas?


    That Oculus/DX12 incompatibility shouldn’t exist anmore, definitely not for Cyberpunk at least. Sorry for the confusion. I can’t recall currently whether there is still a reason for the warning, but probably I just forgot to remove it.

    You will need the version linked below for a decent CP2077 experience. Works totally different for CP2077 than the last regular build you got on purchase:

    vorpX 24.1.0 – Optional Cutting Edge Version


    Hi… after update 2.11 and 2.12 the game is unplayable with lots of stutters. If I disable CONNECTION MODE the stutters go away, but the option to enable DIRECTVR disappear, only Z-normal and Z-adaptive is active.
    I have the last CET. Tested with pimax and pico 4.
    In flat screen is fine.
    I used Vorpx and CyberpunkVR the same story. Any idea? Thanks


    An updated installer with the latest CET for CP 2077 2.12 included is now ready for download.


    Hello! I have a problem, game launches only in theater mode. I can see flat screen inside, cannot change to full VR mode. Anyone knows how to fix this? In vorpx settings I can launch vr room but cannot set game to full vr.
    I am using free 10 years anniversary mod and oculus 2.


    Please make sure that both Cyberpunk and the mod are updated to the latest version. The latest version of the mod works fine with Cyberpunk 2.12.

    Next time the mod ceases to work after a game update make sure to check the huge instructions panel in the launch environment. You’ll find all information you need to make it work again without having to wait for a new version of the mod in these instructions.


    @Ralf Will the current Cyberpunk VR Vorpx mod work with 2.12A? Or will there be a new release for it? Also is it possible to get older versions of Cyberpunk VR? I personally like 2.1


    Please read my last reply directly above your post in case it doesn’t work.

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