Almost Ten Years Ago…

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    24th January 2014 for me with a Dk1, just checked my emails for beta activation instructions, playing colonial marines blew my mind back then, good memories.



    I did not mean it like that. You know how i appreciate your work and your skills as developer. Sorry for the misunderstanding !


    Please delete my misunderstanding post, or the word “just” !


    All good. Was a good opportunity to raise a bit of awareness for the fact that vorpX is capable of a lot more than one or the other may think by just checking one or two games.


    All good. Was a good opportunity to raise a bit of awareness for the fact that vorpX is capable of a lot more than one or the other may think by just checking one or two games.

    Certainly. And I love to see this level of improvement being feasible.
    Keep it up!

    I will always recommend it further as new friends are buying VR like one that is going to get it by Christmas.

    anyway, Happy Holidays !


    Nvidia 3DVision is a competitor of vorpx. You might as well ask Nvidia to add the vorpx features into their next drivers.


    Will it release exactly on 24th or maybe even earlier (today?)? :)


    Will it release exactly on 24th or maybe even earlier (today?)? :)


    When will it be release.?


    Amazing. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication, Ralf.
    You are a hero to all of us!


    IIRC isnt there a way for developers to implement VorpX into their games? Wonder why noone is doing that already. Games would become more standard like, with better user interfaces and saving programmers a lot of time in programming VR. (or was is controller stuff , cant exaxtly remember)


    Re your GTA V issues: please reinstall vorpX. I uploaded a fix for the EdgePeek glitch when entering cars a few weeks ago, but didn’t raise the version number. Also please make sure that you see XX/90 FPS in the vorpX FPS counter as per instructions.

    Great work, so by reinstall will I need to go through the whole activation email step again?

    And what instructions? You mean the vorpx overlay?

    My version number is on 21.3.1 FYI.

    Wouldn’t it have been easier to just push a 21.3.2 ?


    @ RJK_

    Yes, there is a C API for communication between game mods and vorpX. Not sure if it’s used somewhere else, but at least I’m using it myself for a bunch of titles where some stuff is done that wouldn’t work without a dedicated mod portion.

    @ drowhunter

    I didn’t want to change the version number for a single fix, the next regular update is due shortly anyway. You can just run the installer without uninstalling. That’s like an update install, just without an auto update in this case.

    Yes, the overlay in the top/left corner of the game window.

    BTW: keys stay valid unless you reinstall Windows or change vital hardware, so often for the whole lifetime of a PC. Even when you uninstall completely, an older key can be re-used on the same PC/Windows install. So it makes always sense to keep key e-mails.


    BTW: keys stay valid unless you reinstall Windows or change vital hardware, so often for the whole lifetime of a PC. Even when you uninstall completely, an older key can be re-used on the same PC/Windows install. So it makes always sense to keep key e-mails.

    Define Vital.

    Changing your video card, memory, hdd … I would think not.
    Changing your Mobo, cpu … probably.
    Changing more than 2 of any of the above … I understand.


    Have only had vorpX for the last few months, and update wise, the Clarity FX functionality that was added could have been the 10 year gift as well. Hope the Cyberpunk vorpX VR mod brings a lot of new attention to vorpX, because it is well deserved.


    I can’t wait to see Judy in G3D ! Two days left….

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