Almost Ten Years Ago…

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    Thank you, but…

    Standalone works for me only if I delete/rename the cyber_engine_tweak.asi. But I don’t like to play without mods…

    VorpX works with CET. Will there be a G3D profile for CP77?


    Hi, I’m on Index and get letterboxing on the top and bottom of the view (using “Nicer” resolution), is this intended?


    @ kiesel:

    Are you maybe playing with an older Cyberpunk build? The VR mod also uses CET, so the only thing I can really imagine here is that maybe you use an older Cyberpunk version that isn’t compatible with the latest CET.

    @ artum

    That’s intentional, not a technical limitation: on Index with it’s relatively high vertical FOV the mod on purpose limits the vertical FOV (not horizonically though) slightly in favor of better image quality (higher pixel count per degree). It pretty much always uses the vertical FOV that Oculus headsets have typically. Normally that can be adjusted in vorpX, but due to the high performance requirements of Cyberpunk, as in exception it’s slightly limited in this particular case.

    @ Tourist:

    Your card is barely faster than minimum recommended in the start message. I can’t really say anything else than the message in the game already says: start with ‘Nice’ as resolution in the vorpX menu and graphics details in the game set to ‘Low’. That should definitely work on your card. Than check whether something better is possible on your PC or not.


    My game keeps crashing on startup, no idea why. This is happening even after a clean install. I’m using an Oculus Quest 2. The Oculus option says no headset detected. I also tried the Steam VR option and that isn’t working for me either. I am using Virtual Desktop. Any help would be appreciated, I’m pretty hyped for this mod!


    Did around 45 minutes testing various settings and that is all I could take before my head explodes and my eyeballs pop out of my head. Have a significant headache now :P Here is my experience on a Quest 2 through Air Link using a machine with a 8700k and 3070ti on Win 11:

    The default standalone seems to perform okayish, but the resolution is far below anything I would consider playing. Tinkering can be problematic, as small changes can result in a significant reprotection and encoding latency errors. Manually setting the resolution through the in-game menu didn’t seem to persist after a relaunch, though maybe tweaking the VorpX resolution adjusts these values?

    Tracking, scaling, etc are way better than the VR modes I dinked around with yesterday. If only the image was clearer with decent fps. Would even settle for 45 at this point. I set everything to low or off and turned dlss to maximum performance with only minor gains.

    It is nice to have full g3d, but there are a lot of auras on objects. Would even look great in cinema or immersion mode, where I think VorpX tends to shine in my short experimentation with games. Worth noting the the Rift software isn’t fully compatible with Windows 11, but there is a work around by making sure the debug log is in focus. Hasn’t been necessary while playing other games in Vorpx.

    Will follow this thread and continue tweaking once I can fit my eyeballs back in their sockets.


    @ Sky-El

    Please do not use VD, that literally just adds another level of complexity. Use Oculus Link/AirLink with ‘Oculus’ selected as your headset type. If for some reaon you have to use VD, you must choose ‘SteamVR’, VD only works SteamVR, not with native Oculus mode.

    If that still does not help, try to reinstall the mod, just in case the install is messed up somehow.

    if you have other mods installed, please also check whether the issue occurs without.


    @ kiesel:

    Are you maybe playing with an older Cyberpunk build? The VR mod also uses CET, so the only thing I can really imagine here is that maybe you use an older Cyberpunk version that isn’t compatible with the latest CET.

    I have version 1.31 with CET 1.18.1. But at startup it complains about the dxgi.dll. I’ll see that I start without reshade.


    @ Rhadin:

    All of that highly depends on your GPU and the detail settings you choose. Please follow the suggestion the start message: start with detail settings ‘Low’ in the game options and then check whether on your PC more is possible or not. Always keep in mind that you are playing pretty much the most demanding game available on your VR headset.

    @ kiesel

    Please take the ‘dxgi.dll’ warning seriously and check whether removing it solves your problem. That’s probably the issue here. It hooks into the same D3D functions as the mod and thus might cause havoc.


    ok, for me work great with oculus quest 2 with arilink and openxr. i have only one problem. the headtracking dont work!!!! i change the setting on vorpx menu in game , same with normal vorpx mode but dont work


    Thank for the reply, Ralf. I edited my post with some additional information. I did try turning everything off and using dlss set to maximum performance. Clarity is king. Cyberpunk really is a demanding game. The default resolution profile was down to something like 1300x or something. I can’t recall exactly, as I was tinkering with various settings.

    A 3070ti is pretty beastly, but a lot of performance can certainly be lost in the software pipeline from the headset, rift software, VorpX, steamVR, Oculus Tray tool etc. Not to mention encoding limitations through Air Link. VR sure seems like the old days of dos and Windows 98 trying to get things to work well sometimes.


    With your card you should be able to get it look fairly well at largely stable 60fps if you make a few sacrifices in the graphics department. First of all: turn off raytracing. That frees resources for at least one (maybe two) notches resolution wise.


    @ kiesel

    Please take the ‘dxgi.dll’ warning seriously and check whether removing it solves your problem. That’s probably the issue here. It hooks into the same D3D functions as the mod and thus might cause havoc.

    Yes, it was due to ReShade (or its dll). Now it works. Great! Not yet with all CET mods, but we’ll get it :-)

    Thanks a lot, Ralf! And have a nice christmas!


    Thanks so much for releasing this for free! Can we play with xbox gamepad as well?


    Gamepad, mouse/keyboard, VR controllers, whatever you prefer.


    So I uninstalled the mod and went back to using the “pressstart” cloud profile with regular VorpX, and as I recalled I get 60fps @4k with ray tracing enabled, and it looks fantastic.
    I guess the 3d reconstruction used (z-normal?) in regular VorpX is better suited to the power of my machine.
    Weirdly I tried the other reconstruction methods (z-normal etc) with the mod, but could never get the same performance or image clarity with the mod. Though I may not have tried every possible combo of reconstruction and resolutions.

    It does seem to “feel” better in the Mod version, but the lower framerate and resolution make me want to stick with the regular VorpX version for now.

    A couple of other minor mod issues (when zooming in with a weapon, head movement is reversed on all axes, making aiming a pain, even though I could use the thumbstick to aim. And there is an enormous amount of bloom and blur when driving, like the resolution drops way down or something, and sometimes it is just all bright white outside the car but normal inside).

    It is still a fantastic mod and a hell of an achievement, but I think I’ll stick with VorpX 4k 60fps and ray tracing for now… sorry.

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