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  • tig3rmast3r

    Sorry to resurrect this old thread but still there is something i don’t get it about cloud profiles.

    I’m playing Resident Evil 7

    on the cloud i’ve found a resident evil 7 profile that hopefully fixes ghosting on gun on g3d.
    i’ve downloaded it but i can’t use it as i’m unable to assign re7.exe to that profile because i can’t remove (even temporarly!) re7.exe from the official profile.

    so basically every cloud profile that has an official profile available is unusable, what’s the point then to have user profiles if you don’t allow us to use them?

    you said i can export a custom profile and do tries and then re-import, ok, but you don’t let us save a cloud profile externally if there isn’t an exe assigned, and honestly even if it was working this way it’s more complicated then it should, import profile, then save on desktop, then re-import in order to overwrite user settings from the official one?

    so assuming that this cloud profile is slave from the official one and only contains user settings, what i have to do to import over the official one?

    and if someone is making a shader hack job that is different from the fix you provided by default how can he use it?

    am i missing something ?

    in reply to: Deus Ex: Human Revolutions Issue #170424

    i’m using a legit version on steam, not the director’s cut, appid is 28050.

    Maybe you have set up tweaks for director’s cut version ?

    i have added already custom resolutions, 2240*1680 and 1600*1680, so even if i prefer 1680p it choose the one it wants.. so what’s the pont of selecting resolution? why not make (auto) option to let the system decide for you and force 1680p/1440p/1280p if it’s selected by the user?

    about head tracking latency is there something i can do ?

    game is quite smooth even in 2560*1440, probably lowering the resolution lowers the head tracking latency too i guess..

    in reply to: DirectVR game list and question #170301

    thanks, it looks it’s worth giving vorpx another try after this direct vr implementation, i’ve found the revised good old spreadsheet too, don’t know if it’s fully updated:


    needless to say that an official and constantly updated detailed game list with currently available features would be really appreciated :)

    about vive wands what i meant is to have gun aiming detached from head view, there is no such feature on vorpx direct vr enabled games ?

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122317

    Is there anyway to get nvidia 3D vision games to display in a virtual 3D desktop mode on the Rift?

    What about games such as Trine 3 that even seems to offer native stereoscopic 3D options, including SBS? But which I can’t seem to get working in 3D using virutal desktop, bigscreen, envelop, or any of the others…

    I’ve had nvidia 3D vision for years, but there didn’t seem to be anyway to get the games working on the Rift, which is what led me here. Unfortunately as pointed out here, many games require specific fixes to even work in desktop 3D mode…

    I was hoping that the Rift would be a perfect display for all of my 3D vision games, but that dream was dashed very early… It’s just a pain to turn on the 3D projector, close all the curtains, and put on my 3D glasses just to play a game for a couple minutes…

    i thougth the same when i’ve got the vive, but the quality you get on a monitor with 3dvision is too far from what you get on the current hmd, imho if your goal is only play 3d i would stick with monitor/projector at least until next hmd that hopefully will have doubled resolution..
    By the way nvidia is moving on vr too, let’s see what will happen..

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122314

    maybe 3dvision 3dtvplay or tridef, i doubt it will work with plain 3dvision…

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122294

    Honestly i thought you had already fixed 3d elements for vorpx tweaking shaders in some games…

    bioshock infinite had lot of issues in 3d without the 3dmigoto or helix fix, so i thought you did the fixes too in order to get artifact-free g3d in vorpx.

    would be great, maybe once the community grows we have the luck to get some guys like the ones at helix team that have the knowledge to make it happen.

    anyway as i said already, IMO in order to get a good vr experience (expecially in vorpx) there’s also the need to use larger resolutions ingame and/or powerful AA, this combination kills every GPU avaiable right now, this game->vorpx->vr chain is much heavier than 3dvision and needs more fps too.

    Latest Async Repropjection in steamvr did magics to games, i nearly doubled performances with no visible performance drop (at least when i move the head).
    Don’t know if this can be applied to Vorpx, it looks that the OpenVR driver is not doing much job when vorpx is running, i don’t know where is the bottleneck (probably it’s just the game itself), and if it can be optimized further by some tweak in the code, i hope that.

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122290

    Maybe a more detailed documentation of games current support level including g3d (with or without artifacts) and maybe hints if we have to disable shadows or set some graphic options level to a certain value (med-high) to minimize or avoid issues (in 3dvision for example in some games like Pinball Arcade or Dying Light, some shaders fix works only if the user has the same graphic option as the guy that did the fixes, sometimes even a different resolution breaks the fixes).

    this would help a lot and has been asked several times over the last months, there is a community sheet but is not detailed, some “green” g3d support has lot of artifacts.


    batman arkham city for example works fine but shadows must be disabled and still there are minor artifacts, i don’t know if there’s a way to remove them changing options unless i try each combination, we can do it obviously but a well done list will saves us a lot of time.


    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122208

    not needed if you use the suggested resolution 1280*1024 you’re right.
    only needed if you want to use a 16:9 res (and i have to if i want to use dsr),
    btw thanks for the support you’re always kind with everyone.

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122205

    found the fov issue in bioshock infinite, if i use 16:9 res i have to set “letterbox1” to keep the right fov.

    my sickness is caused by low fps, if i disable 3d completely i run at 90fps and is much less disturbing.

    i would like to play in a way that is currently not possible, use supersampling with vorpx and g3d, this is too much even if i’m trying relatively old games and i have a powerful brand new pc.
    it runs fine at 45fps but my brain doesn’t like it at all :(
    Hope some more optimizations will come in the future!

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122171

    Ok i’ve tried again bioshock infinite, it looks there’s no way to avoid the crystal ball because you can’t set the fov high enough even tweaking the cfg file manually (or using vorpx game optimizer that does the same). don’t know if setting other resolutions may solve the problem, maybe i should search for an aspect ratio tweak and do more tests,but i need to have fov configured properly when i’m at 16:9 resolution (so i can use DSR, see below)

    i’ve changed game, time for deus ex human revolution, this time i’ve been able to see a proper vr, fov 120 (89 converted to vertical), also i’ve solved the pixel/aliasing mess, vive supersampling does not work, because it’s supersampled AFTER the game render (as it’s an injection), so only way is using nvidia DSR, i’m running it at 4k and it’s very good looking, thanks to the latest steamvr beta feature asyncronous reprojection i’m able to play it quite smoothly and it looks great.

    Only drawback is the weapon/hands that are 2d.

    it runs between 45 and 55 fps but direct mode is over 150fps, i don’t know if there’s a way to set the game fps higher. what is that direct mode fps exactly? Strange thing is that i have 45/55fps too without 4k resolution.

    Tried turning off direct async in vorpx but my cpu usage goes crazy and i get no fps gain, turned off fluid as i get double images when i move the head, btw is a big step forward, hope to find other games where vorpx is fully functional like this one.

    last note, i get sick after a few minutes with deusex, probably is too fast, there is a little delay with headtracking, but it’s not the problem, the problem is the player movement, will try again tomorrow morning when i’m fresh, i think is just a matter of getting used, i hope at least :)

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122102

    If you see image distortion (“crystal ball effect”) while rotating yor head, the field of view is not set up properly. The actual lens distortion is done for ages by the headset runtimes themselves on perfectly sized render targets with the size and aspect that is suggested by the runtimes. This is true for both Oculus and Vive. None of it works like you assume it works.

    thanks for clarification, as i said i’m not a developer so i don’t know how things works exactly, so distortion is done automatically and is just a matter of fov, that’s a good thing…. so basically i’ll be able to eliminate the crystal ball just changing fov value..i’ll test again bioshock infinite.

    looking forward to see results…


    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122090

    i have gtx1080 and vive, i can try again but i’ve already touched almost everything inside the menu, maybe i’m missing something, would be great if i’m missing something…
    just guessing, maybe it looks right in oculus and not in vive ? i could try using revive..

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122086

    last two i’ve tried for example had crystal ball effect, no distortion, batman arkham city and bioshock infinite… no sense of depth, everythiong looked so flat and out of proportions, and i was in g3d… will try some others, maybe is enabled only in some games ? this could be the reason…

    the thing about perfect resolution i think is needed in order to apply the distortion correctly, how can you apply it if the window doesn’t fit the hmd? maybe i’m wrong i don’t know just guessing i’m not a programmer..

    if is this the case, why not document the support more clearly? community had to make a sheet in google docs in order to document support for g3d for example, i would like to see at which level the game has support, if like me you have tried just a few games and all of them have crystal ball effect i assume that is not supported anywhere.

    in reply to: Vorpx and it´s reputation around internet #122068

    sorry guys but it’s hard for me to call vorpx a vr experience, there is no sense of immersion at all.

    The main thing it lacks is the screen distortion, in order to get a feeling that you are actually inside the scene the screen must be distorted, else when you turn it looks like you are inside a crystal ball. In order to distort properly they have to find a way to use a perfect resolution that fits the hmd.

    second thing it lacks is proper support for geometry 3d, most games have problems with shadows and a lot of shaders, they are putting very little effort on fixing shaders, and if you are a 3dvision user you know what i’m talking about. So for most games you have to play with fake 3d.

    basically what you get is a big screen slapped on your face with head tracking, i will never play games this way, i prefer using 3dvision, better quality and better performance e g3d working fine thanks mostly to the community fixes.

    vorpx is on the right way but still there is a lot of job to do.

    What i would like to see in vorpx is not yet another title support in this state, instead i would like to see 100% compatibility with games where is possible to make it, mainly first person view games (what’s the point of vr on a third person view game??), so maybe 10 games where vr works as it should instead of 100 in this surrogate vr.

    so to summarize, to get proper vr:
    -use perfect resolutions to fit the hmd (undone)
    -adjusted fov (done somewhere)
    -screen distortion (undone)
    -proper artifact-free 3d (mostly undone)
    -head tracking (done)
    -adjusted menu/hud (done somewhere)

    i understand that is not an easy job because is hacking an already done game with builded code, injecting dll and so on…
    why not focusing on a single engine like UE for example so you’ll get a bunch of games with basically the same job, release a few game fixes that automatically inject what they need with minimal user interaction = everyone happy.

    probably on many games this will never happen, but i’m sure this can be done on some titles, focus on those titles and forget the rest!!

    i hope one day i’ll be able to use it so i can justify my purchase, atm let’s call it an early adopter of an interesting project that is not released yet.

    in reply to: Shaders (Helix) #103880

    so basically it’s not possible to merge the injectors right out of the box (i’ve dreamed for a bunch of minutes!!)?
    i’m a very long time 3d vision user too and would be great to use their hard work in order to fix and extend the geometry 3d support here on vorpx.
    z-buffer is exactly like mikearms has said “cardoard cutouts at different depths” (with free halo artifacts here and there), not to mention the low 3d effect too.
    This trend started up with crysis 2 and it’s become a pain as lot of games now has that “compatiblity mode” so lazy developers can claim 3d with no effort. honestly z-buffer has nothing to share with a proper dual rendering.

    i’ve never played a z-buffer game, i had so bad times with crysis 2 and i promised myself not to play anything else with fake 3d.If i have to play fake i prefer 2d.
    I’m playing crysis 2 right now that i have a gtx1080 and finally i can enjoy a true 3d without losing too many frames and/or lowering too many details.

    i did the same many times, waited until my hardware was powerful enough to get the most out from the 3d experience.

    performances are not a problem, it’s just a matter of time, and you will be able to play it sooner or later.

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