Any news on Vive

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Any news on Vive

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    It’s basically working, but not 100% ready yet. The Vive seems to be a bit more picky than the Rift when it comes to low frame rates <45 fps (half its recommended frame rate). Above that everything works fine, but I'd like to investigate a few options how to deal with situations where 45fps can't be reached.

    On the Rift games stay playable to a degree even below that frame rate, albeit far from ideal, of course. If possible I'd like to get the Vive to the same state before release.


    So your Vive is in Ralf? Still waiting on mine. Any first impressions?

    I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on the Headset itself. How does it compare to the DK2, comfort wise, resolution, fov, lenses, etc.


    I’ll do a little write-up similar to the one for the CV1 later (probably not today though).



    Even if it’s poorly optimized atm, I really really want to try this out on my Vive. Hope it will be released by the end of the month! Please take my money.


    That’s great news Ralf. I too have a pile of cash with your name on it !

    One question…. will the individual settings to get games working be the same for vive as the oculous ones ?

    I seem to recall they are saved into a db (which is in the cloud ???) So can we just use the same db / settings ?

    Apologies if answered before… I only have 5 mins before my wife drags me out and I was so excited by your news I just had to ask.



    The same game profiles are used for Vive. There’s always a chance that one or the other game might not work on Vive that works on Rift (or vice versa) for some odd reason, but in theory it shouldn’t make a difference which headset you use.


    Hi Ralf,
    Great news that you’re at work on the Vive version. I’ve just purchased Vorpx in anticipation. My Vive should be here next week. Keep us up to date on your progress.
    Appreciate your work in getting great titles like Arma 3 and Alien Isolation to work on the Vive.


    This is awesome can’t wait to play on my vive and try some of the newer profiles. Also hope that we get a lot of profile sharing going on.

    I do want to post some caution to every one thinking VorpX is going to make all their favorite games prefect in VR.

    I’ve been using VorpX for a while. (A few years on my DK2) while I think it’s worth the price (for me) you need to understand there are limitations.
    First of all these games were not made for VR. Depending on the game this can cause huge issues, including not being able to finish because something breaks or won’t render properly for you to see it.

    Also there can be major performance issues making the game unplayable in G3D mode (with positional tracking) you might need to switch to Z3d mode and that does not look as good in most games (theater mode is also an option)

    A lot of games need mods (like GtA 5, skyrim) to make the game look proper in VR. Also FOV can be an issue and usually needs to be changed.
    Also head tracking can some times might not work correctly since mouse look is programmed to move you when the mouse is moving (Star Wars battlefront)
    It’s rare that you can launch VorpX and then the game and not need to tinker. You will most likely need to take some time to get games to work good in VR. It can been a pain, but a lot times your are rewarded with a pretty good VR experience. Other times you just need to give up and go into theater mode or not play the game in VR at all.

    As long as you know what you are getting into and you have a least one game that works well with VorpX and VR it will be worth it.


    You have an incredible talent to make unique advantages sound like disadvantages. :)

    I hope you don’t mind if I add my take on your G3D/Z3D part: while some performance demanding games are hardly playable with full Geometry 3D (rendering everything twice) on normal gaming PCs, vorpX has a second 3D creation method (called Z-Buffer 3D) that – while not offering 100% perfect Stereo 3D – provides much better performance and thus allows you to play even the latest games with VR compatible frame rates on your headset, which would not be possible otherwise.

    vorpX also offers a variety of methods to deal with field of view, often only a single mouse click in the vorpX Game Settings Optimizer is required. There also is an extra easy two step way to solve the issue for almost every game – albeit sometimes at the expense of some visible bars above and below the game.


    My Vive shipped!

    Vorpx is my first purchase after it comes, even before any launch titles ;-)

    I think everyone knows what they are getting into. I’ve used free vr mods on my dk1, and any tinkering (which I’ve never found to be more complicated than tinkering with graphics options) is more than worth the effort… even on the shitty dk1!

    From my research, vorpx is much better than the free mods, so even if that’s half true, I’m frickin’ hyped.


    You have an incredible talent to make unique advantages sound like disadvantages. 🙂

    I hope you don’t mind if I add my take on your G3D/Z3D part: while some performance demanding games are hardly playable with full Geometry 3D (rendering everything twice) on normal gaming PCs, vorpX has a second 3D creation method (called Z-Buffer 3D) that – while not offering 100% perfect Stereo 3D – provides much better performance and thus allows you to play even the latest games with VR compatible frame rates on your headset, which would not be possible otherwise.

    vorpX also offers a variety of methods to deal with field of view, often only a single mouse click in the vorpX Game Settings Optimizer is required. There also is an extra easy two step way to solve the issue for almost every game – albeit sometimes at expense of some visible bars above and below the game.

    Yes Z3D does make most games playable. But you need to try it because you lose positional tracking (like gear VR) and the game can look wonky. So while a lot of games might be fine in Z3d, to me they are not “true” VR since the game can not positionaly track you in 3D space. Every one is different and needs to try this mode for themselves to see if it works for them. In fact it would be awesome if you released a demo version of VorpX with only z3D mode and if you wanted G3D mode you could then purchase the full product.

    Also there is the tinkering in a lot of games that are more and than just fooling with graphics options


    Don’t let’s start this discussion again. Fact of the matter is that without Z3D some games simply would not be playable at VR compatible frame rates.

    I have a hard time to see something that actually enables you to do things you couldn’t do otherwise as a disadvantage in any way. If you don’t like it, just don’t use it. For you that’s the same as if it wouldn’t exist at all, which apparently you would prefer. Noone has a problem with that. Meanwhile others can still use it to make games playable in a decent way on their machines, which could not really be played otherwise.


    Sweet!! My wife asks me about 3 times a week when can she play Skyrim in VR. I will pass along the good news that it might be soon :) She may want to send you some wine Ralf :P Keep up the good work


    Really looking forward to giving it a go, Ralf! You have my money the day it’s released, and I know many fellow redditers feel the same way. Keep up the hard work.


    I have a hard time to see something that actually enables you to do things you couldn’t do otherwise as a disadvantage in any way. If you don’t like it, just don’t use it. For you that’s the same as if it wouldn’t exist at all, which apparently you would prefer. Noone has a problem with that. Meanwhile others can still use it to make games playable in a decent way on their machines, which could not really be played otherwise.

    Yeah, well let’s just see what people with the vive think about Z3D when they try to do room scale and walk around. A lot of people won’t be happy!! The amount of hate that is coming your way if you don’t explain it to people is something I don’t want to see

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