Any news on Vive

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Any news on Vive

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  • #101219
    Papa Plastic

    All this talk about trouble with the vive when it dips below 45fps made me realize something.

    Thats V-sync talk!

    Do none of the big three HMDs support any type of adaptive sync?
    Or am I misunderstanding the display technology that drives these headsets?
    Or did I miss a footnote in the spec sheets when I got on board the hype train?


    Asynchronous timewarp serves a similar purpose. The situation for VR is a bit different than for playing on a monitor though.

    Good VR is very dependant on a high frame rate. Both headsets are meant to be run at 90fps if possible to ensure the best experience. That’s why most made-for-vr-games don’t look as good as some of the best looking “normal” games.

    Games developed for VR will seldomly fall below this frame rate. With vorpX however it’s up to you to ensure that with performance hungry games. Hence there has to be something that helps with such situations.

    You should still ALWAYS configure games in a way that they run faster than 45fps (ideally 90fps) and sacrifice visual fidelity for this goal if necessary. Nothing is more important for comfortable VR than a high frame rate.


    Understood that high frame rates are “preferred”, but quite honestly, I was playing GTA5 quite comfortably at 35 fps. I started to notice discomfort below 30. I could lower settings for more frames, but I still want the game to look as good as I can. For me it was the 35 fps sweet spot.

    Any chance you can better describe the troubles you’ve seen with sub 45 fps? Is it just all over the place? or does it drop straight down below 10? Can it maintain a steady 30? How does it behave?


    Understood that high frame rates are “preferred”, but quite honestly, I was playing GTA5 quite comfortably at 35 fps. I started to notice discomfort below 30. I could lower settings for more frames, but I still want the game to look as good as I can. For me it was the 35 fps sweet spot.

    You mean you were playing gta5 at 35fps in VR? On a monitor that would be fine, but in VR ~30fps looks terrible every time you turn your head. Even 60fps isn’t great in VR which is why HTC and Oculus targeted 90fps for their headsets and games.

    If you were in VR playing with that low of a frame-rate, consider me highly impressed you didn’t puke after 10 minutes!


    The Vive starts to show serious artifacts (black flicker) when the render thread falls below 45fps. Not a vorpX issue, that always happens below 45fps with OpenVR. This can be mitigated to some degree now with vorpX’s async timewarp working better, so it doesn’t happen that often. But not completely.

    Hence the minimum requirement is higher on Vive than on the Rift. Valve might address that at some point, but I highly doubt it’s a priority for them (or even on their to-do-list) since Vive games are not supposed to fall below 45fps in the first place.

    There will be warnings shown whenever that happens and detailed explanations in the help will describe what can be done.


    “You mean you were playing gta5 at 35fps in VR? On a monitor that would be fine, but in VR ~30fps looks terrible every time you turn your head”

    And before trying it myself I would have agreed with you. Call me lucky or cursed, but so far DK2 has yet to make me feel motion sick (or feel anything at all for that matter). I guess VR hasn’t tricked my brain just yet, maybe Vive will change my mind.


    vorpX always had it’s own asynchronous timewarp since it had support for GTA V, so you weren’t really playing with 30fps, but with 30fps timewarped to 75fps on DK2.

    That however does not work as good with OpenVR as it works with the Rift.


    And before trying it myself I would have agreed with you. Call me lucky or cursed, but so far DK2 has yet to make me feel motion sick (or feel anything at all for that matter). I guess VR hasn’t tricked my brain just yet, maybe Vive will change my mind.

    That’s awesome, I’d call you lucky. I couldn’t play my DK1 for more than 10-15 minutes without getting severe motion sickness. I had to keep Dramamine on hand, and be sure to take it an hour beforehand every time I intended to play!

    I never tried the DK2. Someone told me that the ghosting on the DK1 was probably a bigger factor to motion sickness than the framerate or resolution. Maybe it was improved for the DK2. I’m jealous in any case lol


    The downside is I don’t get the immersive sensations of force or imbalance (simulating a roller coaster) that most do, so it’s kind of a bummer.

    DK2 timewarp buffing the low framerate makes sense, because I was surprised how 30 felt too good to be 30. Sounds like vive will introduce screen flicker though. That doesn’t sound good. So I have to find a way to stay above 45 sounds like. Not gonna be easy with the likes of GTA5.

    Thanks for the heads up Ralf. Here’s to hoping this can be fixed in the near future.


    You would have to talk to Valve about that, I fear. It’s a limitatation of OpenVR. And I don’t think they are really interested in changing it as all developers are urged by them to maintain 90fps all the time (with 45fps as an emergency fallback).

    As said above, vorpX’s custom timewarp now works to a degree, so it can compensate brief dips or a few frames below 45, which already is a lot better than relying on OpenVR alone. But it doesn’t work as good as it works on Rift.


    My vive has arrived yesterday, i will try fallout 4 on my 980ti.

    Is there any tutorial explaining how to use vorpx with the vive ?


    vorpX comes with an Essential Hints Guide in the help that you definitely should read before doing anything else.

    Everything discussed here in regard to performance will be hinted at if necessary while in the game. With a 980Ti most games should work fine though without having to spend much thought on optimizing performance (still can’t hurt of course).

    Just be aware that the Vive compatible version is not out yet!


    Thanks for the update Ralf, it’s really awesome that you’re keeping us in the loop like this. It’s always nice to get updates, especially when the news is good.

    How’s the performance with Vive in VorpX’s Virtual Cinema mode? Not top priority I’m sure, but as someone with a weak VR stomach for artificial motion, I’ll likely spend most my time there. I know Steam has their own theater, but I suspect VorpX will have the superior solution with stereo3D and better performance and comfort.


    I can safely answer all questions in regard to Cinema Mode with yes. Overhead is minimal. Games run almost as fast as without Cinema Mode and all games that have a Stereo 3D profile show in 3D.

    It also has kickass dynamic screen lighting that is second to none, if I may say so (fully physics based with global illumination). Plus a very nice ambient color scene that expands the screen colors outside the cinema screen. Using this Virtual Cinema Mode is highly immersive, almost as good as full VR mode.


    So after reading these forums for the past 3 weeks I assume RALF has make great progress in the strides of integrating the VIVE into Vorpx, and for this I thank you. I have one question which might be jumping the gun a bit….Ralf do you have a anticipated release date for this new version?

    Do you think that all of the games that are currently available for rift will work for vive as well?? Because I have some of these titles and would love for them all to be available on the vive.


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