vorpX 23.1.0 BETA

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    I reinstalled the old vorpX and it started up again so I thought I’d try the new beta again and this time it started, but when I tried to play any games it starts the game but has an error message ingame saying fatal error vorpX couldn’t do its magic error 303 or something like that.


    The new virtual monitor is an absolute game changer and for me it basically makes using game profiles obsolete.
    It works very smoothly now as no ingame stuttering appears anymore and the frame rate is correctly capped at the headset refresh rate (90 fps in my case).
    It even works with dlss and frame generation.

    It would be nice to still be able to duplicate the video output to the regular monitor though without making it turn off.


    @ petey

    If I had to guess I’d say it was probably 302, luck for both of us in this case that error 303 doesn’t even exist. That means that vorpX could not find or initialize your headset. There probably was another message you might have clicked away with a more detailed hint.

    Depending on what headset you own, trying another headset type in the config app may help. Oculus headsets for example work with all three available options.

    If that doesn’t help, please create a trouble shoot archive in the config app and send that to support at vorpx com as requested earlier. It’s difficult to give precise advise without precise information.

    @ dan

    I would have liked that too, you have no idea how much…

    Unfortunately Windows can’t mirror monitors with higher resolutions to monitors with lower resolutions. Not exactly sure why that is not possible, technically it can’t be much of a problem these days. Windows for better or worse often tries to maintain compatibility with things from times long gone, so this might be some relic of a fairly distant past.

    It would be possible to let the virtual display act as second screen and then display it in a window on the actual monitor, but that would complicate usage in several ways. Since the main goal here was simplifying things, swapping the custom resolutions ordeal with multi monitor goofs didn’t really look desirable. At least for now. Additional options for advanced users may come later, but that may take a while. For the immeditate future there are other matters that need attention.


    @Ralf I did some extensive testing of the new Beta, especially regarding the Virtual Monitor. Here are my findings in brief:
    – vorpX admin mode is broken, it crashes unless you uncheck “start as admin”.
    – Only DX12 games hook: Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands (DX11) doesn’t start, in DX12 it works, Rocket League (DX11) doesn’t start, Forza Horizon 4 (DX12) works.
    – Virtual Monitor works well, including the automatic activation. When going back to my real dual-monitor setup my secondary monitor becomes the primary, and I have to manually reactivate the primary, but it’s a minor annoyance.
    – Games now effectively work with resolutions above your physical monitor’s resolution, thanks to Virtual Monitor. Some are more stubborn than others but it’s manageable.
    – Head tracking is extremely jerky, as if it was low FPS, but FPS in game are 90+. I had already noticed this before the beta in DX12 games but not in DX11 so I’m not sure it has something to do with the beta or with DX12 games in general. Basically the jerkyness scales with GPU utilization, which has to be around 20% in order to not notice it; when you reach 100% (like in most gaming scenarios) the game looks like a slideshow (in the headset, on monitor it’s fine).


    I managed to get it working by changing the headset in config, I have had quite a few issues though, like the jerkyness you mention, and all my desktop icons got rearranged at one point, the worst thing though was because I had to uninstall and reinstall vorpX after it not initially working, I lost all of my custom profiles and now it won’t let me import them from the cloud, it just fails and eventually the config app just closes… are those old profiles I made on the previous beta unsupported with this version or something?


    Hey Ralf, the Witcher 3 Next-Gen, are we gonna get a proper g3d version soon?
    I wish we could at least use the 1.3.1/1.3.2 versions of the game with 23.1.0 BETA, the g3d was working good on those versions, the immersion of g3d made a big difference

    I notice that there’s a significant performance boost in many of my games with this new beta.
    now I can play at 2560×1440 with g3d, before that I had to drop to 1080p or use Z3d for a smooth experience.

    Let me know if Im doing something wrong or maybe it would be nice if we can use the old Witcher3 profile with the 23.1.0 BETA for the performance boost. thanks.


    @ Tambora:

    Does the AFR3D method (DirectVR in the menu) not work anymore? That should actually be better than the prior G3D since it works with all shadows.

    @ petey:

    Windows loves to shuffle around desktop icons when resolution or the display config changes. The virtual display manager already tries to deal with that by creating/restoring icon layout backups, but how Windows decides to place icons in case of config changes is so intransparent and weird that I can’t rule out occasional glitches like that entirely.

    @ Heon_X:

    I got the dual monitor primary/secondary glitch here myself once during multi-monitor testing, but not really replicable. Shouldn’t happen unless things go totally wrong and vorpX can’t restore the display config backup it created. Fairly weird issue. Multi monitor setups are too rare to consider that a show stopper for the whole virtual display, but I’ll try to figure that one out on some rainy Sunday.

    I do not get the admin crash here. You shouldn‘t do that anyway unless you are running older games that require admin rights themselves, hooking into games/apps that require admin rights themselves is the only reason you would ever want to run vorpX as admin.

    Hooking: if you have trouble hooking practically all DX11 games, there almost certainly is something running on your machine that also hooks into games and causes a conflict. A lot of tools/utilities hook into games.

    If you didn’t do that already, please first try to install a hook helper. The option to do that pops up in the ‘Attaching To…’ dialog after a while in case hooking fails. Can often help without having to get to the bottom of hooking conflicts. If you already did that and it didn’t help or you don’t even see the ‘Attaching To…’ dialog: remove everything you may have running in the background. Everything.

    Same for your 20% GPU utilization issue. You should ideally avoid maxing out the GPU since the game, vorpX and finally the headset runtime all need some GPU time, which becomes increasingly difficult when the GPU utilization nears 100%. Things falling apart at 20% on the other hand is just plain wrong. BTW: If you happen to use the Windows task manger to monitor GPU usage, try nVidia Inspector (precise, but doesn’t hook games) to cross check. Task manager used to display imagined values in the past occasionally.

    In general: I can’t really provide specific help based on vague forum posts: if you encounter severe problems, create a trouble shoot archive in the config app after running a few problematic games and send it to support at vorpx com. Can‘t promise that’ll clear up every potential issue, but at least that way I have some hard facts I can look at. Without some insight there just is no way at all to tell what might be wrong.


    Thanks to Ralfs hint I successfully got the video output of the virtual monitor duplicated onto the physical monitor even tough its a bit tricky.
    Duplicating the native resolution of the physical monitor is quiet easy as that can be achieved using windows’ screen duplication feature in the windows display settings.
    Obviously the virtual monitor has to be loaded and detected as a seperate screen by windows when doing that.
    Duplicating higher resolutions is also possible but required my physical monitor to match the higher resolution of the virtual monitor.
    I created a custom resolution in the nvidia control panel for that and duplicated the screen afterwards.

    Theres another note I want to leave here regarding nvidias frame generation in combination with the virtual monitor.
    In general for a smooth virtual monitor experience in games its necessary to enable vsync in the nvidia control panel as Ralf wrote some posts ago.
    However using frame generation together with vsync enabled on a physical monitor that does not have gsync/freesync support is generally tricky but possible.
    I tried that in the past in non vr but noticed that even if the frame rate is correctly capped at my monitors refresh rate, many games will skip certain frames or create a very high input latency (even higher than expected using frame generation without vsync).
    I figured out the simple solution is to additionally set a frame rate cap in the nvidia control panel that matches the desired refresh rate of the output device.
    On one of my older 60hz monitors I tested I therefore enabled vsync in the nvidia control panel and also set the frame rate limit to 60 when playing in non vr and frame generation worked perfectly fine using 60hz vsync on a phyisal monitor device.
    Now using the virtual monitor of vorpx Im enabling vsync and set the frame rate cap to the refresh rate of my vr headset (90hz).
    This trick also stopped skipping frames and creating high input latency in vorpx vr.

    It would also be nice if there is a checkbox that disables the watcher when using the virtual monitor as Im not really interested in using game profiles anymore since the virtual monitor works that nicely.


    I created a custom resolution in the nvidia control panel for that and duplicated the screen afterwards.

    Glad you got duplication working that way. Somewhat defies the intended main purpose of the virtual display, which was getting rid of having to tinker with custom resolutions. :) But of course a totally valid option for everyone who doesn’t consider that too annoying.


    Glad you got duplication working that way. Obviously completely defies the main purpose of the virtual display, which was getting rid of having to tinker with custom resolutions. But of course a valid option for everyone who doesn’t consider that too annoying.

    The virtual monitor comes with many advantages not only comfort because it is not dependent on profile updates, it does not have to deal with injection issues and works well with dlss 3 which helps nicely to remove the cpu bottleneck. Thats the main reason why I use it.
    In order get stable 90 fps in vorpx vr I generally need to achieve 140+ fps natively without dlss 3 and that is often not possible in modern games because of the cpu bottleneck due to bad core usage and other optimization flaws.


    All good. I was just kind of amused since adding custom resolutions to mirror the virtual display pretty much completely defies the original idea I had mind. No problem at all though, do with it whatever you like. The refresh rate thing was a ‘colleteral idea’ I had on the way, glad you find so much value in it.

    I’m also very interested in hearing what you actually do with new features in general. For now I’ll have to switch to other things mostly except for bug fixes, but I’m sure I’ll revisit the topic for more advanced user options in the future. Knowing how features are used helps a lot in assessing where time is best spent.


    The ‘Don’t hook games while desktop viewer is running’ global option is a good idea. Having to check that each time after launch is indeed annoying. Will definitely come.


    Niice! Looking forward to giving it a whirl. :)


    I’ve already deep-dived this pretty extensively yesterday and overall it’s very impressive.

    A quick note for Pimax users (and possibly others; I no longer have any non-Pimax HMDs to try) – I’ve found that I have to change the HMD Sync methods depending on how I am using vorpX and/or between different games. For example, Cyberpunk and general gaming appears to like either Slow/Multithread on, or Fast/Multithread on. vorpX Desktop itself likes Fast/Multithread ON. However, playing a non-supported game on the virtual screen (so, no direct vorpX hook) wants the “Default” – which I believe is Fast/Multithread off – So I have to run vorpX Desktop one way, and then switch that Sync mode once I’m in-game). Anyway, don’t assume that the sync mode that works best in one case will apply universally.

    Performance in Cyberpunk in particular is definitely slightly up. Mostly I’m at 45/90 now at considerable quality with RT, but a handful of scenes still dip. Where I was getting 37ish I’m now seeing more like 41/42.

    Non-hooked games running through vorpX Desktop Theater Mode (whatever you want to call it) do NOT respect vsync. I was able to resolve this by implementing manual framerate limits (either in-game if supported or through the Nvidia control panel.) Hence I now have a reliable Witcher 3 DX12 with mods running at 45/90. Note that both the vorpX and FPS VR are reporting the Sync rate, not the actual rate at which the game is running in this case. I noticed that my GPU was being nailed at about 98% usage under all scenarios and I was getting a lot of stuttering. Turned on an in-game FPS counter and found that titles were running as many frames as they could all the time (no vsync) and stuttering whenever they exceeded the HMD refresh. Not a huge deal as manual limits are easy to impose, but something users might need to know. Despite those few minor issues, the experience is MUCH better than it used to be as the refresh is not tied to my physical monitor – so I no longer have to hit 60 or limit to 30 in order to get non-stuttering play. So that part seems to be working exactly as Ralf intended.

    So overall a VERY positive experience with this new beta.

    Can’t wait to see those gestures added to more games. I’ve never really found a title that worked well enough for me to adapt to it using my Index controllers instead of my gamepad (even really well supported titles like FO3). I would love to be able to lift my arm for the pip-boy, etc. etc.


    If not even the Cyberpunk gestures are to your liking, which even include hand aiming, then the feature is not for you. :( For me stuff like aiming down sights/grenades/wrist flip interaction etc. have become second nature so much in the meantime that going back to pressing buttons is an outright ridiculous thought.

    Even without gestures using motion controllers is so much better than a gamepad just because you have your hands free instead of standing/sitting there like a squirrel nibbling a nut… Add gestures to that and it’s not even a fair comparison anymore. What I give you – and not an inch more :) – just as you had to get used to your gamepad, you have to get used to gestures for a while. Then there is no way back.

    Make sure not to accidentally disable DirectVR to try them. CP comes with a fairly complex mod integration that among a lot of other things switches gesture sets based on gameplay context. Reset the profile default, let vorpX install the connection mod, read the hints in the start room, and don’t tweak any vorpX setting manually except what the start hints say might be tweaked (resolution + 3D if you prefer Z3D). Plus in your case maybe the sync options to deal with Pimax issues.

    Non-hooked games running through vorpX Desktop Theater Mode (whatever you want to call it) do NOT respect vsync.

    That is officially weird. If vorpX isn’t hooked into the game, it obviously doesn’t affect VSync. You must have disabled it elsewhere.


    @Ralf, Well, I don’t use the gestures in Cyberpunk as I run cinema mode. I do think I’ll like gestures a lot once I really delve into them. The issue with titles like FO3 (currently) being that commonly-used functions require some major finger-contortions or too much time on the Index controllers to access them. Having gestures that effectively replace some of those functions would help a lot. That’s probably the title I will test most once default gestures are added to it.
    I’ve looked at the vsync thing pretty thoroughly, so I don’t know where it could have gone wrong. Tested with Witcher 3 nextgen and A Plague Tale Innocence. Nvidia CP is set to “Use application settings” for vsync, and both titles have vsync on. Set HMD refresh to 60hz and both titles ran way up above 60 in certain scenes (both titles pegged the GPU and ran maximum possible frame-rates. So totally uncapped except by machine performance limits.) I’ve settled on 45/90 for Witcher 3 now, as it’s easy to hit even with RT, but I will double-check a Plague Tale again later today just to be absolutely certain I didn’t miss the vsync toggle.
    Could easily be a weird PiTool driver issue though. That software is currently as close to malicious software as legit software can get… grumble grumble.

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