Forum Replies Created
ParticipantBecause of Watch Dogs Legions, it would be nice to play Part 1 + 2 again in G3D, but the flickering in Part 1 spoils the fun for me and Part 2 has no G3D until now.
ParticipantAre you going to update this profile to get G3D working ?
ParticipantJedi in G3D ! yeah !!!
which profile for Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts ?
ParticipantNew bypass for
frf(search on fearlessrevolution board)
ParticipantControl DX12 works in Z-Normal 3D with the Red Dead Redemption 2 Profile !
There is also a FOV Changer for DX12 !
ParticipantGears 5 works in Z-Normal 3D with the Red Dead Redemption 2 Profile ! With deactivated EAC it hooks reliable !
ParticipantIn my case the game works well without vorpx.
With Vorpx it hooks well, but if i start the story i will get a loading screen loop.I bought the rockstar launcher version,
i did a factory reset to vorpx,
set dx12, 3200×2880 window resolutionWhat should i try ?
1. search google
2. follow Instructions on how to disable Battleye
Download and extract the zip file(Password: cev) and copy the LaunchBreakpoint file to game folder.
Run the game from LaunchBreakpoint exe file.
If this doesn’t work anymore, you will have use the tool Cheat Engine natively and this is a little bit tricky an will take some time to learn it, but it is possible.
ParticipantGRB uses a anti-cheat plugin, which blocks vorpx completely.
you have to deactivate it before you can play with vorpx.For myself i still use the start argument in the uplay settings of GRB.
/belaunch -be
But you can use a bypass too, please ask in the forum of fearlessrevolution or simply use their one click tool called WeMod.
have you tried to start the game in windowed mode ?
ParticipantInstructions on how to disable Easy Anti-Cheat for trainer to work
Download GearsLauncher zip file & extract this zip file to your desktop or any place where you can easily find it. Before starting game, first start Cheat Evolution App and select Gears 5 Trainer. Run Gears5Launcher.exe from where you have extracted it. A messagebox will popup instructing you to load Gears 5 Trainer first from Cheat Evolution App, if you have already then click OK. Afterward another messagebox will popup instructing you to run your game and enjoy cheats ;). Keep that popup box running and click OK only after you have played the game and closed it. If the first GearsLauncher doesn’t work for some reason, then Download this GearsLauncher instead. All the other steps stays the same.
Please do yourself a favor and do not use trainer, use the bypass only for vorpx
Have fun !!!
ParticipantFor the blurry Image and the FOV in FullVR
C:\Users\(user)\Documents\My Games\Ghost Recon Breakpoint\GRB.ini
AutoFOV is still activated, but the most of the time you will get a bigger FOV with this setting.
For Xbox Gamepad Problem in FullVR
Deactivate the Gamepad Override in the vorpx ingame menu and set the Headtracking to 0
Ghost Recon Breakpoint WeMod Community Battleye BYPASS LAUNCHER
Download: (Google is your Friend !)
1. Rename GRB_BE.exe in main game directory to GRB_BE.exe.bak
2. Place the Battleye Bypass launcher into the main game directory(For myself i still use the Uplay start argument “/belaunch -be” and i uninstalled and deleted any Battleye from windows and i deleted all Battleye associated files stored in the “C:\Users” folders (Documents, Local, Roaming etc.) and in the “C:\ProgramData” folder)
This is the Bypass only, the trainer an cheats are offered separately ! For Vorpx you don’t need the trainer files. If you will start any multiplayer and use the trainer and cheats, you will get banned. Battleye is still running on the servers of ubi, and many users get banned already using the trainer, because the game is always online and will register any cheat.Use even the bypass only for your own risk to get banned.
ParticipantThat’s exactly what I needed, thank you again
Participanttwo last questions, did you use the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey profile for this GRB user profile ? and if yes, how did you activate the G3D option ?
in conclusion thank you very much for this user profile, and your patience in spite of the many questions !