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The official vorpx profile of Get Even works with decent Z3D, and experimental G3D with even correct FOV slider but with wrong shadows and lighting !
ParticipantHas anybody G3D working ? The Unreal Engine 3 Profile works, but without 3D !
ParticipantFirst start the game without vorpx and set DX11 for the old profile and DX12 for the CP2077 profile.
Disable also Nvidia Geforce Experience in-game overlay, too.
Borderless window or windowed is the best setting for this game, try to edit the
file user.cfg and profile.cfg.
ParticipantWow, that are good news ! Do you have the opportunity to test AirLink with a Shadow PC and Vorpx and Helix ?
Lazy FoV And Vignette Fix
Cheats and Hacks
ParticipantThe mod is just a simple dinput8.dll file, it could be blocked by vorpx, have a look into your vorpx-config-app in the excluded files, or try the alternative hooking method option in the vorpx-config-app. If you can’t solve the problem, try the vorpx-desktop-viewer, it has also a full-vr option.
ParticipantIn my opinion DX11 in G3D is more fun than DX12 Raytracing in Z3D. Vorpx is in DX12 in Z3D only, it’s a pitty. But in DX11 in G3D the NPCs are “living” and the world seems to be true. I also prefer a very high resolution instead of ultra settings because the NPCs are promotet to be “living” by that, too.
ParticipantA few years ago Helix had a Kickstarter, and the result was that they noticed how small the group of “3D Gamer” was.
Vorpx should be sold by a 12 Month license at 99$ or more, if it will be necessary to survive in the small “3D market”.
If VR will become mainstream and flatgames are dead vorpx as a 3d driver isn’t longer necessary, but we need vorpx than to play all native vr games with a gamepad or keyboard and mouse, like we love do it today with vorpx !
We all are buying several Triple A Games every year, and are not able to pay enough for vorpx, that Ralph can give us with vorpx the greatest gaming moments ever ?
Participant… also if vr will not become mainstream in games, it will survive in the hardcore gamer scene and the business section. Have a look at the linux scene. In the business server and also many other industries its mainstream, and in the linux desktop and mobile scene, there are hardware projects although it isn’t much profitable. This is my worst scenario, but vr will though not die. But with the exception, if we will have auto-stereoscopic TVs and Gaming Rooms in a quality of hologram’s in Star Trek !
But we will have the PSVR2 ! In my opinion it will be the revolution for the masses because Sony will release a headset in a quality of the valve index for low budget console gamers, and will sell millions in the next years. The PSVR1 sold 3 Million units. Sony makes VR for the masses and not for the classes, like the PlayStation itself. We will get a PS5 and PSVR2 Bundle at 1000$, with a quality of a PCVR System at 2500$.
Oculus has tried the same with the Quest 2, but they aren’t selling a High-End Gaming PC at 500$ and Mobile VR will not replace the Flatgames in the future, and if you want PCVR with the Quest 2 you need a 1500$ – 2000$ PC and a Quest 2 at 450$, and this is to much expansive for the masses.
The 100-200$ HMDs are perfect for XXX movies. Have you ever seen a 3D 180 degree xxx movie ? I don’t know why this is not popular !?
Vorpx is a one way ticket, never ever Flatgames on TV !!!
I hope if VR will replace the Flatgames and become mainstream, every game has the option to play it with a gamepad or keyboard and Mouse, i hate the motion controller and aerobic in my living room.Dave
ParticipantDeutsche Tutorials von VoodooDE VR:
Es gibt noch mehr auf Youtube und auch einige Text Tutorials über eine Google Suche.
Welches Game möchtest du denn als erstes zocken ? Dann können wir das alles Schritt für Schritt durchgehen !
Participantstill working !
The game crashes at first launch, and after that vorpx installs hook helpers automatically, and at second launch vorpx hooks the game.
Please try all possible graphic settings and different vorpx profiles !
i played 60 hours in Night City and the last 25 hours of the game in high resolutions and high settings without any chrashes, with the head tracking sensity setting at 0.00. But if i change the head tracking sensity to 1.00 and make no other changes in the settings, then the game chrashes after 10 – 20 Minutes every time, exact previously i set the head tracking sensity to 0.00 in high settings.
ParticipantUnreal Engine 4, DX11 and low requirements let hope me to play G3D at day one !
Participant(it rumors that Ghost of Tsushima is coming to Steam too….)
ParticipantFor me, the epic-launcher version works after installing the vorpx hook helpers !