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ParticipantI’m not taking it personally Ralf – no worries there. I’d just expected to see some movement on this issue or at least an update on it as it had been reported 3 months ago. I’ll keep my eyes peeled and the game on ice for now as playing in Z3D is really not an option in my opinion.
ParticipantSorry but I do not play in Z3D – are you planing to fix this issue as you do promote Frostbite games as having true 3D support now, inc Battlefront II. I’m pretty sure you said you’d look into the issue some months ago, it would be great if you would and let us know if the problem can be fixed and when that may actually happen.
ParticipantShould i take the radio silence as a “No, the BF II profile isn’t fixed”? If that is the case, do you have any sort of ETA on when it will likely be playable again? It’s been a fair few months since the issue was reported…
ParticipantAny news on BFII being fixed? All the flashing and artifacts made me stop playing a couple of months ago.
ParticipantJust a quick post to say that the FOV settings work 100% in story mode so I’m not sure why you see the warning from VORPX. Settings are automatically applied just like Arcade / MP. Still seeing a lot of glitching which is ashame and also notice that the game looks overally pixelated… Any idea why it would look pixelated like that?
ParticipantYeah no updates to FWS in a long time… I’ll give single player a quick go and see what it looks like, if I can’t get the FOV looking good I’ll just bin the game off, 75GB is too big to sit on my PC doing nothing. Why for the love of god, why would EA prevent you from changing the FOV in story mode, it makes no sense.
ParticipantI’ll give it a go, I’m only really interested in playing through the story… Are you aware of any 3rd party FOV hacks for the story mode?
ParticipantIs the campaign playable at all or is the FOV problem a show stopper?
ParticipantI noticed this too. Constant random artifacts across the screen. Was looking forward to trying this too.
On another note, I notice the warning about the FOV not being applied to the campain – why is that? What settings should I use, I don’t want to use immersive screen mode or anything other than full VR mode.
ParticipantCheck out ‘FlyInside’ – There is a free demo that will get you flying with a DK2 / CV1.
ParticipantI had to delete ‘UserSettings.txt’ for VORPX to display the game correctly again, set all of my options without VORPX enabled. Quit the game, then restart with VORPX enabled. I’ve not had the problem since.
The only problem I have now, and one that prevents me from playing the game is that the FOV defaults to a low value every time I talk to an NPC…. it’s to annoying to have to constantly reset it. Anyone aware of a fix for that?
ParticipantI use a combination of:
Custom 360 pad drivers – So games cannot see the pad
x360ce – to disable the right stick and trick games into seeing the pad again minus the right stick
XPadder – To set the right stick to mouse emulation mode.
Works a treat for everything I have tried it with, the only downside is that you have to copy x360ce to the games install folder along with a profile for every game that will only work with the official 360 pad driver. A small price to pay in my opinion. The custom 360 pad drivers are also much better than the stock drivers allowing you to customize a lot of stuff.
Participant“(makes me think that HUD scaling for GTA V would be great also, the HUD mod doesn’t display the minimap with the VR mod)”
That’s correct and I don’t plan on updating GTAVR HUD compatibility until the view-able player character body and in vehicle hands / arms are put back in the GTA VR Mod. I didn’t notice too big a performance leap by using a non 16:9 aspect ratio in GTA V either, so another reason why I left it.
Nothing to stop you playing with the settings in my mod though, I found the game to be very picky and crash when certain values were used – so it can be tuff to figure out what works best. If you find some working settings please post them in the comments section of my mod and I’ll credit you.
If i do ever update my HUD mod I’ll script something that is adjustable via an in game menu but to be honest I didn’t find the GTA modding scene to be the friendliest bunch of people either so it isn’t the most enticing project I have on the burner.
ParticipantChanging the FOV in the config file to 120 worked well enough at 100% zoom. Does VORPX have a configurable key to disable / enable head tracking? This would be very useful when flying as the mouse is used for flight controls meaning you have to keep your head perfectly still.
I’m most interested in the HUD scaling you mentioned – which config settings would, if working, the game config tool change and to what settings?
Other than that the profile works well.
ParticipantBut doing the above stops you using the HUD fixes you mention. What path is the .ini looking for? Maybe I can copy my profile there and then back.
The value for FOV in the profile seems to be set to 2.000000 – how would one manually set it to 120?