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Participantoc my cpu seems to help i just hate having it always running at 4.5 ghz since its on all day and iuse my smart tv for netflix and american prime. maybe sleep mode will solve that
ParticipantI just bought a 2060 to playfallout 76 problem i have is gpu only reaches 45 percent and 1350 mhz core speed at lower resolutions ie 1600 by 900 med res i only get 18 fps whereas in 2d 1440 res i get 90percent gpu and 1950 mhz. So how do i get better performance in fallout 76 vr?
Participantbeen playing for 4 hours no more crashes strange but good
ParticipantEso is fantastic in geometry mode however every 30 min or so steam mixed reality vr crashes and i get a blue screen then black. Not sure if theres any steam settings i can change havent played any othr game long enough to see if it effects them to
Participanti had that problem where all 3 3d settings were the same flat then i switdched to windowed mode and got good 3d effect
Participantalso make sure u have apps in background minimized like steam and mixed reality menu
Participanti think if u run in windowed mode u wont have cursor problem
Participanti switched to windowed mode and 3d works again yay
Participanteso worked beautifully yesterday but now the 3d settings dont change from 2d. It attaches to eso64 but can only play in 2d mode again i reinstalled vorpx but still 2d . i have a lenova hmd all of the 3d settings dont change image at all
Participanteso looks awesome in cinema z 3d mode i have lenova and it runs it fine i had to lower res to 1600 by 900 as my fps is slower with steamvr i guess the driver not as good as oculus was
Participantthe lenova works fine in cinema mode eso online looks fantastic in z 3d mode
ParticipantYAY its working with steam vive, the only thing left is this artifact when im using cinema mode is the avatars face or head gear sitting in the theatre is partly noticable like my fov is like im almost inside his head and can notice the polygons at the edge of my vision. its barely noticeable but still annoying. So thick8 when ur making your boundary using the controller where do u have your headset? Since you cant leave it in the middle since the controller looses tracking if you go behind it or to the side of it?
Participanti installed oculus and revive but when i set vorpx on generic or oculus rift no
thng happens im still in steam vr room the revive shows up on dashbard when i launch skyrim so i click on it wirh controller trigger. I think ralph said earlier to use steam vive so i wont run oculus when i try that next. 3 am im pooped.krogan
ParticipantI got tracking to work in steam I didnt realize u have to have a lighted room ,I have acer projector so i have lights out. The next problem is u cant use seated setup as it needs boundaries to engage the 6 dof. Not sure where i place headset when i do this since it looses tracking when im in between headset and controller while i do room setup
I have a 7 by 15 foot room with projector and recliner and tv etc so not sure if i can do it .krogan
ParticipantJust an update on lenova if when starting mixed reality portal if ur choosing seated look left and right but dont look down at floor if u do when u play halo recruit you will be viewing from floor and tracking wont work, now i got halo recruit to work properly . As for steam vr i can only use the big screen program and i used iut to play eso in 2d for 3 hours straight. The text chat is super clear and the sides of screen arent blurry i can see the whole screen perfectly and the screen door effect isnt noticeable even in white screens u can barely make out pixels. It is also so light and comfortable with no light leakage from nose area. I recommend this hmd i hope my controller tracking is issue with iogear bluetooth, if not i will return and
get a replacement. As yet no vorpx so no 3d sigh -