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  • in reply to: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is absolutely stunning! #16966

    Thanks for this, I hope more people share stories about what games work best. Now I wish we get Modern Warfare 2 compatible with Vorpx too since I haven’t played that one yet.

    Be sure and let us know how you liked it too, so people may not think it’s just me :) It is incredible. The great thing too is that the game engine is very fast not as demanding as say skyrim, but has all modern day visuals. A really cool effect too is when you walk down the streets and the wind blows those paper or leaves in the air and it comes close you you…you feel like you can reach out and touch it. I will try to make a video of this later.

    in reply to: Vorpx doesn't seem to work at all for me… #16964

    Wow thanks bcozier, glad it was stupid obvious. All I had to do was set “run as administrator”. For reference I’m using windows 7 ultimate. Thanks for your hard work Ralf!

    Rule #1, when something doesn’t work it’s usualy because I had to install it as administrator or then run it as adminisrator or both. Glad that worked out.

    in reply to: Ace Combat AH and Gamepad Emulation: Help! #16957

    Any chance you could send a screenshot of your settings for that, or explain in more detail how you got there? Because getting VorpX to emulate the right analog stick on my Xbox controller is exactly what I’m trying to do, and I’ve had no success so far.
    And yes, I restart the game pretty much constasntly =P

    I wish I could but I am presently at work, I will be home at around 7:30pm EST, and will attempt a snapshot of the in game vorpx settings and post a link to it here.

    in reply to: Vorpx doesn't seem to work at all for me… #16956

    If you’re using nvidia, turn off shadowplay or any other gameplay recording utilities you might want to use…some games work well with them and vorpx, and some do not. Also in your vorpx config allow to run as administrator and what version of windows are you using?

    in reply to: Ace Combat AH and Gamepad Emulation: Help! #16954

    One thing I will add though, is that after saving the vorpx settings for gamepad headtracking it didn’t work until I restarted the game…just fyi.

    in reply to: Ace Combat AH and Gamepad Emulation: Help! #16953

    That final step is the problem… no game I’ve tried so far has acknowledged a ‘rift-gamepad-axis’ . I don’t see any evidence that the headset is outputting any controller device.
    Since many games will also only recognize a gamepad that is plugged in when the game is started, I don’t see how to make this work.

    Hmmm, strange. I recently had to resort to use the gamepad vorpx tracking in Risen 2 because for some reason it locked out the mouse input. But the strange thing is I got it to work without that final step, so that both my Xbox controller and my Rift headtracking simulating joypad RELATIVE both works. I did not however have to map any “Rift-Gamepad-Axis” in Risen 2…the fact that the Xbox controller Right analog still works to look up/down/left/right simultaneously with headtracking able to do the same while simulating gamepad is a strange thing.

    in reply to: Deus EX Human Revolution with DK2 and 0.71 #16935

    Yes, it’s the retail Steam version. I grew up awhile ago, if I steal a game i don’t complain about it ;)

    Rift as extended display, Windows 8.1
    I’ve gotten quite a few games working on the rift at this point, but nothing has solved DXHR+VorpX yet. I tried setting the Rift as my main display (which fixed Assassin’s Creed and a few other games on the list), no difference.
    I should note that I can make the game run in normal mode, forced to the rift’s display, but of course the image is garbled and useless without VorpX.

    The only similar behavior I have seen is in HL2VR. I can run it (and it runs wonderfully), but if I change the FOV scale in the game it immediately crashes to desktop, and if I attempt to run it again I just get a loading icon for a second and then nothing, just like DXHR. Deleting the config file for HL2VR fixes the problem. I know the engines aren’t related, but that’s the only faint clue I have so far.

    From what little I can gather I suppose it may be a Windows 8.1 issue. I am using Windows 7 64-bit and don’t have a problem getting vorpx to work. It is as well behaved as my other games that work well with vorpx, I don’t have to do anything special for it.

    in reply to: Everything is zoomed in… #16925

    Good idea, should be relatively easy to make the menu scale dependent on the set ImageZoom to a certain degre.

    The other option would be to reset the Zoom to default while the vorpX menu is open. One of these will be in the next update.

    Probably opt for the former, since right now the image shrinks in realtime as I adjust the zoom smaller.

    I have to say right now I think vorpx is the killer app for DK2. With games like COD:MW3 BioshockInf and Skyrim (which I don’t own yet and haven’t tried) it makes the sparsely available tech demos look lame with the possible exception of Elite Dangerous. Hopefully you will get a good list of games working with Geometry 3D. I tried Sega and Sonic all star racing with nvidia 3D vision using the red/cyan glasses and it was a real treat but too much ghosting/crosstalk/coloration issues. Just what is involved in custom “vorpxing” a game like that? Takes a lot of time, in same cases is it even not possible, or is at always possible on a custom support level?

    in reply to: Everything is zoomed in… #16919

    Hey Ralph, just wanted to officially request an easy fix for when setting Zoom Image very low, please fix your settings menu so it doesn’t shrink to unreadable size, thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Everything is zoomed in… #16916

    yesss!!! it was the key under escape. Ralf said to factory reset it and now its working! woo hoo! thanks guys soo much. Was really a stressful trying to get it to work. now im just playing about with the head sensitivity, want to get it just right. What did you guys use? also when i use my xbox controller, for some reason it also controls the vorpx menus. how do i turn this off?

    Well I’m certainly glad I added in that little tidbit :)

    in reply to: Everything is zoomed in… #16913

    I have a UK keyboard. so left of my [1] key is [`]. so do i use this? when i press this i dont see a console opening

    Maybe try SHIFT and that key (beneath the ESC key).

    in reply to: Everything is zoomed in… #16907

    Press DEL in game to bring up the vorpx settings then set image zoom to lowest (full to left) and vignette scale to lowest (full to left) then hit “save and quit”. However, Ralph needs to provide a fix for when zoom to set to lowest, his settings menu gets so small its unreadable.

    in reply to: Deus EX Human Revolution with DK2 and 0.71 #16903

    This might sound like a stupid question, but you never know…are you using a pirated version of the game, or the steam retail version? I am using the steam retail director’s cut version, rift set up as extended display on windows 7.

    in reply to: Bioshock Infinite problem (DK2) #16858

    Here’s what I would do…set your rift to extended mode in oculus utility and configure vorpx to output on rift display. Reboot system, and test oculus desk demo scene, close the demo and launch vorpx then try launching game. If that fails, configure vorpx output to “system settings” then close vorpx and try making your rift the primary display in windows settings, and restart vorpx and relaunch game (might have to peek through one eye in rift display after you make it the primary display in windows to launch the game.)

    in reply to: Tomb Raider Underworld working in DK2? #16857

    Interesting. I will certainly give it a go tonight.

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