Cyberpunk VR Update Thread

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    Hi everyone, first thanks for the update! I’m a hp reverb g2 user, I download and installed everything went fine but my controllers are not functional ingame. I can see both of them, I can summon the vorpx ingame menu but they dont move, no button works. Am I missing something?


    Thanks. Is there any way to set the mod so that I can turn my character while turning in real life?


    My Quest 2 controllers dont work if CP2077 is not the main focus on my flatscreen (ie need to maximize CP2077 on flatscreen) – just in case this applies for you


    You might still encounter that one shader glitch you reported earlier. Haven’t looked into that yet, but it’s not forgotten.

    I can confirm the glitch is still there. Thanks!

    BTW in case this might help with identifying the issue, the mod ‘No More Quest Markers On Screen’ by Manual Enhancer from Nexus Mods goes some way to helping to hide the markers during play although they flash in/out when in close range of loot (eg a dead NPC with loot etc).


    Is another big CET Update necessary for the vorpx support of Phantom Liberty ? What are the building blocks for Phantom Liberty VR support ?


    You asked that before already. The mod works with CP 2077 2.0, with or without Phantom Liberty, so the only building block is installing the mod. Alternatively you can use the vorpX beta, which auto downloads the updated extra components when you launch the game.

    Please note that patch 2.01, which apparently gets released later today, will probably break the mod again. Stick to 2.0 by disabling auto updates in Steam/GOG until a new CET for 2.01 becomes available.


    Was curious for a fix for my situation. When I turn with my head, everything is smooth, looks great, plays great.

    When I turn with my controller, the screens mix in and turn into like a “slide show”, I think its called Reprojection? Anyways, it runs great, its just when I turn the control stick, I get this effect where the things I was looking at previously “follow” in my headset until I stop turning, then everything gets back in order.

    Im on an HP Reverb 2 v2. Using OpenXR.

    I would appreciate any help with fixing this. Thank you for your time.


    If you changed any settings in the vorpX menu, please first reset everything to default. Afterwards please make sure to follow the performance related hints in the huge instructions panel that gets displayed in the launch environment.



    Version alpha 9b is available. Adds compatibility with Cyberpunk 2077 2.01. No other changes.



    So anyone knows why my controller works with the game but not the mod specific things such as edge peek and navigating the tutorial menu?
    Playing on wired Dualsense on PC for info.


    Use your motion controllers. Make sure to check the gestures in the tutorial. So much better even seated.


    With 2.0, I’ve tried the DLAA setting, which greatly enhances the image quality and halo problem.
    Nonetheless, something feels wrong with the FOV / 3D, so it’s unplayable.
    Is there a tweak to be able to use it? Or is it simply not ready yet for VR? Will it be soon?

    Thanks for all



    Version alpha 9b is available. Adds compatibility with Cyberpunk 2077 2.01. No other changes.


    OK, i can not believe it ! The official vorpx cyberpunk profile is full compatible to Phantom Liberty ? I thought it is compatible to 2.0 without installed Phantom Liberty DLC ?


    Please see my reply to when you asked the very same question four posts above. Or alternatively to when you asked it for the first time a few days ago.


    Thanks Ralf! I’m fine tuning the settings and it’s working great so far, with one caveat:

    Aiming down the sights of any gun is like rolling the dice. I’m looking at the enemy, hit the aim down sights button, and my view all of a sudden jumps to the sky or straight into the floor. It’s quite jarring and makes gunplay practically impossible.

    I’ve been testing to try and find a pattern but it seems totally random where the view goes. Could be a small jump but it’s often quite large. I’ve tried to “reset” my view with the right stick before hitting aim down the sights but it doesn’t seem to matter what I do. Still jumps erratically.

    Anyone else experience this or have a solution?

    P.S. Using PS5 controller – my index controllers don’t work at all, other than bringing up the vorpx menu, similar to a previous poster.

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