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  • in reply to: Starfield Hype Train – CHOO CHOO! #217695
    in reply to: Starfield Hype Train – CHOO CHOO! #217693


    in reply to: Yearly Annoying Post Rule Reminder ;) #217680

    In my opinion you should make an exception for reshade 3D. Many of the vorpx user install reshade regularly as a emergency solution if vorpx does not support the game until now, but Vorpx Z3D looks much better and we have fullvr and full headtracking an we switch immediately to vorpx when a working profile was released.

    Reshade is not mtbs or LukeRoss, reshade is neutral in the competition !

    You can even make a unmoderated offtopic section in the forum, where everything is allowed what is politically correct.

    But it is your company and your forum, thus do what is the best for VR in general and specially for vorpx !

    in reply to: Starfield Alpha v0.2 rev.b #217673

    In my opinion it is time to wait for Ralfs official vorpx profile.

    I guess that you will have full headtracking, running in one direction and looking in a other direction. But you have to calibrate this tracking several times in a session of a few hours. That is called Direct VR Scan, and takes 20-30 seconds. But this technology is important because it works with every upcoming update from Bethesda. Other mods are broken after nearly every patch of the game, with Direct VR you are safe.

    I guess the FoV will be automatic to your type of Headset, and you can select between several resolutions which are graduated for different Hardware Specs, and you will have no letterboxes or pillarboxes even in borderless window or exclusive fullscreen.

    But i guess the resolution will have aspect ratios of 4:3, 16:10, 16:19, 32:9 and not my favorite 1:1. I love 1:1 in FPS because you have the maximal pixel density by the best performance !

    I will make a Thread for customizing the official profile with mods and config settings.

    I’m guessing 1-3 days we have to wait for the release !

    But sometimes there is an crazy update by Microsoft, Nvidia or AMD and Ralf has to go in emergency mode and everything has to be postponed, because the global function of vorpx is endangered ! He call that, new vorpx features to implement that nobody ask for.

    in reply to: Wayfinder #217656


    Compare the list of the pcgamingwiki with list in the vorpx-config-tool in the local profiles section for the best results !

    But for online games it is very difficult to create profiles, because of the anti cheat technologies of the games. This technologies marking tools like vorpx and reshade etc. as cheat apps and you will get banned !

    in reply to: Starfield Hype Train – CHOO CHOO! #217653

    Update Version 1.7.29 – Fixes and Improvements Performance and Stability

    Xbox Series X|S Improved stability related to installations.

    Various stability and performance improvements to reduce crashes and improve framerate.


    All That Money Can Buy: Fixed an issue where player activity could result in a quest blocker.

    Into the Unknown: Fixed an issue that could prevent the quest from appearing after the game is completed.

    Shadows in Neon: Fixed an issue where player activity could result in a quest blocker.

    This first update is a small hotfix targeted at the few top issues were are seeing. After that, expect a regular interval of updates that have top community requested features including:

    Brightness and Contrast controls
    HDR Calibration Menu
    FOV Slider
    Nvidia DLSS Support (PC)
    32:9 Ultrawide Monitor Support (PC)
    Eat button for food!

    We’re also working closely with Nvidia, AMD, and Intel on driver support, and each update will include new stability and performance improvements

    in reply to: Starfield Hype Train – CHOO CHOO! #217652
    in reply to: Starfield Hype Train – CHOO CHOO! #217651

    @ romandesign

    Bethesda released a first patch, this has maybe destroyed some of your modded settings. You can use google to figure out which mods are affected by the update, or reset your installation and install every mod step by step and see the trial and error.

    For the future you can deactivate the automatic update function in steam or xbox app for Starfield and install the update only after you have newer versions of all your mods that support the newest update of Bethesda.

    in reply to: Cyberpunk VR Update Thread #217648

    Do you use the free standalone mod or the vorpx profile ? What are your Hardware Specs. ?

    in reply to: Starfield Hype Train – CHOO CHOO! #217632

    Please don’t annoy Ralf with the release, he is a workaholic but not a Warlock.
    I did it many times in the past for other games, but without success. The more time he spends on the forum, as longer it takes. If you want it faster, please help here in the forum to answer the questions of the newer vorpx members !

    in reply to: Starfield Hype Train – CHOO CHOO! #217631

    @ spinfusor

    What resolution do you set in other First Person games, and what are your hardware specs ?

    in reply to: Starfield Alpha v0.2 rev.b #217630

    hey smartin,

    thx ! You can deactivate the auto detecting of mouse and gamepad switching in the Starfield settings, as far as I know.

    In the vorpx stable branch you could even select between your motion controllers (Meta, Steam, Pimax etc.) or a mouse + keyboard or gamepad steering, so far as I know. But i didn’t install the stable vorpx for a longer time, i install the vorpx beta, only.

    But in general, you can select for example a complete xbox controller override or a partial xbox controller override in the vorpx menu. You can even deactivate the vorpx buttons on the gamepad.

    Just play around around with all these settings, you will find a a solution you like.

    For other games which forces a mouse steering in vorpx, but you want to play with xbox controller only, the only way 100% solution is to plug off the mouse while in game.


    in reply to: Starfield Alpha v0.2 rev.b #217618

    G3D is not supported in this game, its a bug that it is shown in the menu

    in reply to: VorpX / hp reverb + beam NG mp #217617

    Have you added the “game”.exe to your local profiles ?

    in reply to: Baldurs Gate 3 #217608

    @ Ralf

    Are you going to support G3D in the official vorpx profile of BG3 in the next weeks ? If yes, than i will wait for the update, otherwise i will finish it in Z3D. Starfield is DX12 and needs a Z3D profile and CP77 has AFR-G3D and needs an update of the mod for Phantom Liberty, but Baldurs Gate 3 is a big chance for a great real G3D VR Experience and that is the reason why i’m asking one last time again ?

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