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  • willscz1

    The streaming application must be able to capture output from SteamVR or the Oculus Rift. Vorpx isn’t dependent on the streaming software, but it has to be able to capture the output from vorpx to those hmd clients.

    If you want to be creative, your could set vorpx to stream to the generic 3d display and use a streaming app that can use the side-by-side output, but I don’t know if there are any apps that’ll do that for the Oculus Go – Maybe the AMD link?

    Vorpx can’t convert movies. There’s no depth information in a video stream. There are applications that can do that, but they use an entirely different approach.

    My apologies for the misinfo in my previous reply. I was unaware of ALVR, and kind of thought the Go had died after a short and unremarkable life.

    no apologies needed! Im in the dark when it comes to this. I downloaded trial versions of some of the apps I mentioned but have not tested anything yet.


    The streaming application must be able to capture output from SteamVR or the Oculus Rift. Vorpx isn’t dependent on the streaming software, but it has to be able to capture the output from vorpx to those hmd clients.

    If you want to be creative, your could set vorpx to stream to the generic 3d display and use a streaming app that can use the side-by-side output, but I don’t know if there are any apps that’ll do that for the Oculus Go – Maybe the AMD link?

    Vorpx can’t convert movies. There’s no depth information in a video stream. There are applications that can do that, but they use an entirely different approach.

    My apologies for the misinfo in my previous reply. I was unaware of ALVR, and kind of thought the Go had died after a short and unremarkable life.


    I don’t know how you managed to get hitman3 running because it crashes on startup for me, regardless of which client I use, and I’ve tried them all, including the generic 3d display, as well as all of the dx12 profiles. The vorpx log indicates a failure in directML command queuing when I use the rdr2 profile.

    Nothing in your “essential” guide about that I think, but it was tld watch.


    Yes, it technically works setting vorpx to generic 3d display and using VD in SBS mode but at about 1/4 the FPS vs just vorpx from what I’ve tested. I’d love to be able to achieve the scale of full vr mode but with the decoupled mouse vs head movement of immersive screen mode. Going to -1 in screen distance gets close but not quite there. Even extending it to go to -1.5 might be enough to do the trick if that is simpler. I’m not sure if when there are no other visual cues when viewing a 3d stereo projection it matters if the screen is bigger or closer in the virtual space. Wouldn’t you be converging your eyes based on the separation distance of the object you are focused on no matter where the plane of the screen is like looking through a window at something? Anyway, love the immersive screen mode, just wish we could get the game world scale of full vr mode there too. Thanks.


    In reply to: Cyberpunk 2077


    There isn’t a huge framerate impact for creating the 3D effect with Z3D (less than 10% when I check here with vorpX in ‘Generic 3D Display’ mode), but there is some additional overhead for rendering to the headset and most importantly when the GPU is maxed out fully it becomes increasingly difficult for vorpX to serve both the game and the headset. In other words: the higher the GPU load the greater the chance that rendering to the headset can’t keep up, which can cause stutter.

    Finding a resolution/graphics settings that works stable on your PC is pretty much the only useful hint I can give here.


    Others are using VD with vorpX in SteamVR mode on a regular basis, so this is not some general issue. I’ll try myself on occasion and see whether I can replicate your problem somehow, but this is the first time I hear something like this since the Quest was released 1.5 years ago. vorpX uses SteamVR just as any other SteamVR app, there is no reason on vorpX’s end that could/would prevent VD from capturing SteamVR with vorpX.

    Alternatively you could use vorpX in ‘Generic 3D-Display’ mode, which displays a side-by-side stereo image that you can stream via VD. That would disable all VR specific vorpX functionality, most importantly head tracking and everything DirectVR related, but otherwise might be a suitable workaround for your issue.

    Link is still the best option though, not sure whether I would want to tolerate 30ms of extra latency, that’s a lot. I think there is some tweak that allows you to raise the resolution Link uses for streaming, so that’s something you could look into. Also a good USB 3 cable might yield better results than a USB 2 cable, although that’s just a guess.


    I have no experience with such a setup, so take that with a little grain of salt, but I’m pretty sure that won’t work, at least not the normal way, as that would require your headset to be connected to the cloud PC.

    In a more limited way you should be able use vorpX’s ‘Generic Headset’ and ‘Generic 3D Display’ modes, which show the final image on the desktop, together with some stereo viewer app on your local machine. There won’t be any head tracking without additional software that way though, also several DirectVR functions aren’t available in these modes and on top of that the cloud PC latency (lag) would probably ruin the experience anyway.

    Theoretically it’s possible to create a client/server solution (similar to using ALVR or Virtual Desktop with vorpX locally), but I don’t think any of these can handle your use case currently. Also the latency issue would remain, of course.

    TLDR: vorpX (and VR In general) with a cloud PC won’t really work, at least not as one would expect it to work.


    There is a „Generic Headset“ and also a „Generic 3D Display“ mode that display the final Images on the desktop instead of sending them to an Oculus/SteamVR headset. You can select these in the config app (‚General‘ page).

    If you can use stereoscopic video players with the Cinego, one of these might/should do what you want, I think.



    Unfortunately, i’m back in this subject…

    So, since i run Vorpx within SteamVR to solve my issue of my oculus rift S not hooking in its own environment, i was a bit surprised by my framerate that seems low for my configuration…

    seen this topic :
    So, i know it have been locked for good purpose of not spreading “false legends”, and i just don’t know myself, but it seems like i suffer from the same loss in framerate by hooking via steamVR and i should not use this way with an oculus i imagine, but that was the only solution i found to solve my issue…


    Tried to use the “generic VR headset” injection, and the change is huge…
    + 30FPS in Battlefront 2, that can make me surely able to play in G3D (actually in Z3D)
    and same for Monster Hunter World, if i can have all my frames, i can surely jump to G3D => +20 fps

    So, nothing was displayed in my rift S, just seen the results on my flat screen and still searching a way to inject properly in the rift s without steamVR. Have an idea?
    But maybe i’m wrong? Maybe even with the standard “oculus injection” i will loss as much frames? is it normal or just me?
    If you can clarify please…

    When my brothers wake’s up, i’m going to try on his computer to see if i can inject vorpx in normal oculus way on his computer.
    Wonder if all of this is cause of the borring story i encountered with my rift (explened in previous posts), or if it’s related to my windows.

    Also seen this :
    So i’m really interessted in this.
    Can this fix my issue?
    I mailed the Vorpx support to request a beta build of this version, waiting for an answer.



    @ Picdelag

    First please make sure that you are using the latest vorpX 20.2.0

    That out of the way:

    re your actual issue with vorpX: If the issue is related to your proximity sensor, I’m not sure how vorpX would be able to handle it otherwise. It just checks whether the headset is active and if so displays the game, using pretty much boilerplate code from the Oculus SDK.

    If dellrifter’s suggestion doesn’t help, I would as a first step suggest to check whether the issue also occurs with vorpX set to ‘Generic 3D Display’. That way you could determine whether there is some general hooking problem or the issue is related to your headset. If games also don’t work with the ‘Generic 3D Display’, check again for potential hooking conflicts.

    re your config app issue: If you are on Windows 10 and have a high DPI monitor, please make sure that you do NOT have changed any high DPI compatibility setting for the config app. Current Windows 10 builds handle the config app perfectly per default on high DPI monitors. If you are still on Windows 7, you might get a better result on high DPI monitors with one of the manual compatibility overrides. I still check vorpX occasionally on Windows 7 although it is past End-Of-Life for half a year now, but non-critical stuff like this won’t be addressed for a 10 years old OS that not even its manufacturer supports anymore.


    Due to popular demand since a few versions there is a ‘Generic 3D Display’ device that you can select in the config app to play SBS on your monitor.

    Caveat: this is not officially supported. vorpX is meant for VR, you are basically on your own using it for SBS monitor gaming.


    Ok, i need to correct something, SBS only works with DirectX 11 Games,
    i forgot that i tested the Direct X9 Game: The Darkness 2 via Tridef 3D and i thought it was the 3DFixmanager.. my fault..

    But yeah for Quantum Break and Metal Gear Solid, it works when you set
    3D display type to: 3D Vision Discover for VR
    and preferred 3D format to: Side by Side

    Im looking further for a SBS Trick for DX9 Games.
    But i would recommend for some unsupported DX9 Games, that Tridef3D is a good solution at the moment, of course in Cinema Mode only, or with an FOV Fix and in Full VR Mode to get an “almost Full VR Mode with Headtracking without positional Tracking”.

    For me, Vorpx is already the best Software for VR and you dont need much more.
    I use Nvidia 3D Vision just for Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain.
    For Quantum Break, Tridef 3D with an generic Profile does a very great Job and looks like Geometry 3D.
    And of course, with TriDef 3D you can get the most games (DX9 also) work in SBS.

    It would be so great if it would be possible to convert the NVidia 3D Vision Metal Gear Profile to Vorpx.


    The trick is to ignore steamVR and run games via Generic VR mode in VorpX. Via extended display and then send game window to your headset. You lose headtracking but in cinema mode you still have amazing G3D with great performance.

    By default with SteamVR:
    – Monster Hunter World – 20-25 FPS – unplayable
    – Witcher 3 – ~30fps – for me unplayable

    Withotu SteamVR:
    – Monster Hunter World – 50-60fps
    – Witcher 3 – Locked 60fps

    BTW Ralf. Is SteamVR consuming so much resources normal ? All of those games run with G3D and 3D effect is amazing. Performance is almost as non VR conversion.

    My rig Ryzen3600+GTX980


    vorpX 20.2.0 will be out on April 23 30, 2020.

    For the most part this release focuses on internal rewrites, so ideally you won’t notice much of a difference after updating. Fingers crossed, rewriting core components that affect pretty much everything is always somewhat dangerous. There also have been a few smaller functional additions though. Full changelog below.

    The remaining time until release will mostly be spent on finalizing a bunch of additional profiles.


    • D3D9/10/11: major, future proof rewrite of vorpX’s internal rendering code, mainly to get rid of a helper library that isn’t available for DX12 anymore.
    • OpenGL: major G3D rewrite: less glitches, 30%-200% better performance. Still fixed function only!
    • OpenGL: now works with ‘Generic 3D-Display’ and ‘Generic VR Headset’
    • DirectVR: improved resolution calculation, more consistent between devices.
    • DirectVR: new memory scanner apply method for extended game support.
    • Config app: profile comments shown as tooltip in local profiles list if available.
    • Game settings changed by vorpX are now automatically reset on uninstall and factory reset. Prior this had to be done manually per game as an extra step.


    • DX9 font rendering could fail if initialized with an invalid render target size.
    • OpenGL: changing a game’s resolution could cause a crash to desktop.
    • DirectVR: memory scan FOV/head tracking was unintentionally applied for ‘Generic 3D-Display’.
    • Fixed a general hooking issue that could cause occasional start crashes with some games.
    • Fixed an exception related to blend meshes (e.g. animated hands) loaded by the new asynchronous resource loader.
    • Ini values weren’t read/written correctly in conjunction with some localization methods (Dolphin)
    • ImageZoom value was not reset when resetting a profile to default
    • Config app: help texts were displayed too small on high DPI monitors.

    New Game Profiles

    • The Sims 4: G3D, Cinema Mode, 3D-HUD
    • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: G3D
    • Wolcen: G3D, Cinema Mode, 3D-HUD
    • Ori and the Will of the Whisps: G3D, Cinema Mode, 3D-HUD
    • Dolphin Emulator: Cinema Mode, native SBS 3D
    • About half a dozen more profiles that aren’t finished yet.

    Game Profile Changes/Fixes*

    • World of WarCraft: Automatically setting the graphics API didn’t work anymore.
    • World of WarCraft: G3D did not work anymore with WoW patch 8.3.
    • Monster Hunter World: HUD redefined for latest game version.
    • Need for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed: pos tracking unlocked, some fixes
    • Quake III: DirectVR FOV scan did not work anymore
    • D2X-XL: default changed to immersive screen instead of cinema
    • Elder Scroll Online: G3D redone for latest game version

    * some of these were already included in the last profile database update.


    OpenGL will come to the Generic 3D Display mode with the next regular vorpX update 20.2.0. Stereo 3D is still limited to fairly old ‘fixed function’ OpenGL though. Maybe someday I’ll tackle newer, shader based OpenGL too. It’s at a point now where starting with that might make sense, but don’t hold your breath. Time has to be spent wisely, and there is always something that seems more important.

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